Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

January 19, 2010

some good eats + quality time

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 1:43 am

The best part about the weekend, aside from getting to sleep in till 7am and getting caught up with life, is being able to whip up some tasty meals and really enjoy the company of family.  Usually during the week I rush home to get something on the table, talk briefly about the day’s happenings and then spend the rest of the night trying to catch up on school work, research, blogs, blogging, etc, never being seen again till bed time.  I don’t like that, although for the next 3 semesters it’s going to have to suffice somehow 🙂

I just wanted to share a couple tasty recipes that I hope you can enjoy with your family and friends or simply in the solace of your own company . . . (more…)

January 12, 2010

learning to un-plan

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner,Favorites — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 5:03 pm

IMG_3986 Last night was a wonderful example of good things that can happen when I don’t plan all the time!  Chris invited his dad and step mom over for dinner last night.  We were going to try to make some seared tuna that his step mom had given to us, but it wasn’t even close to being defrosted since we took it out of the freezer too late.  Ok, move to plan B. . .

I made some lemony tofu pesto pasta the night before on Friday thinking I was going to take it over to a friend’s house for a little pot luck.  Chris ended up getting home pretty late from a meeting, and their house was all the way across town, so I decided to skip it to be able to wake for the gym the next morning (I hadn’t made it to the gym all week so I was getting a little antsy and felt the need).

So . . . I thought I’ll just heat up that pesto pasta and pair it with some balsamic marinated chicken for tonight!  ‘That will work, but I don’t really have any other stuff, what if they won’t like it that much?  It has tomatoes in it and Chris’ dad hates tomatoes.’ Then Chris invited two other friends to come over last minute.  ‘Wait!  I haven’t planned for this, I need to have things all situated, more appetizers, need to clean, do wash, aaaaahhh!’ This was my inner self talking and feeling a bit out of the comfort zone lol  But I humbly agreed and hoped we would have enough food and the day old pasta would be ‘good’ enough for my guests.  I want them to really enjoy my food and come back!

Turns out the dinner party went pretty darn well!  I mean the pasta wasn’t perfect, got a little cold and was slightly not as bright green as the day before, but it tasted pretty darn good.  That’s all that mostly matters, right?  Chris BBQ’d the chicken and it was a little chewy, but it was still pretty tasty.  I had other munchies like cheese and crackers, along with pretzels and nuts, but I think people secretly wanted to have a little more food.  I should have made something like a salad, but we ended up making smores and having some vanilla ice cream with a drizzling of cabernet (you have to try this!), so that worked out.  Who doesn’t like a little dessert?  Sorry no picture 🙁

We ended up going through 4 bottles of wine!!  And everything’s better with a little wine, right?  lol  We also played a fun game of Cranium into the night.  I love this game, but I am terrible at it lol

Overall success!  Should I have worried so much about not having everything perfectly mapped out?  No, it’s really not that big of a deal, but you know that is something that I’m working on and when something like this happens on a whim it moves me forward in the right direction 🙂  It’s weird because sometimes I will just do things spontaneously that I normally wouldn’t and it’s really cool, but other times I think about it too much and that’s when I get into a funk.  I say just go for it, whatever it may be!

Home Goods is the best for fun, cheap serving bowls and all kinds of other stuff for the home . . .


So here is the recipe for lemony tofu pesto pasta.  It’s a great dish for at least 6 people as a side.  And hey, it’s even not bad the next day!  It won’t be as bright green, but it’s pretty darn tasty in my opinion 🙂


This time around, in addition to the version above . . .

  • I used two lemons because the ones I had were pretty small
  • added 1/2 an avocado to the sauce to make it extra luscious.
  • cubed some fontina cheese to add in at the end to get slightly melt-y
  • instead of home made linguini, I used boxed farfalle pasta, and you can use any kind you like really
  • I had about 1/2 cup of pesto leftover to use in other things like sandwiches, yum!


For the chicken I used a really simple, but flavorful balsamic marinade that gets really sweet and slightly tangy.  In a bag, along with about 1.25 pounds of chicken breasts, you add:

  • balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper and that’s it!
  • You can also reserve the marinade, reduce it down slowly and baste the chicken with it and serve it on the side as a drizzle sauce.

So I say let’s not plan for once, just go out there and do anything spontaneous!  Who’s with me?

What have you done today that was spontaneous and fun?

January 11, 2010

going crazy with CSS

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner,Favorites,Fitness/Health — Tags: , , , , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:35 am

Whew!  I’ve been trying to work on designing the new template for many hours today and I think my head is about ready to explode!!!  I first got a theme template from a site called VivaThemes and I was not impressed at all.  I liked the overall look of the theme, but I also spent many hours to find it was not user-friendly, customizable and the customer service was terrible.  Even worse I couldn’t get a refund, which is a load of crap.  I would not recommend, but I won’t rant on about that . . .

I did find a new theme that is much more user friendly and I’ve been spending more time trying to figure it out.  While I will have to eventually code certain things, it just seems better so I guess it’s worth it.  ugh!!! (more…)

December 26, 2009

it’s good to be home

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Desserts,Dinner,Holidays — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 3:10 am

IMG_6173 Even though I was born and raised in Las Vegas, I consider ‘home’ to be anywhere family is really, and right now that is North Carolina.  It has been so nice getting to visit with my mom, step dad and grandparents!

I just feel so relaxed and happy here.  It’s nice to have a break from school and work, but I really shouldn’t be taking too big of a break.


Our flight was without hiccups and we arrived late Wednesday evening.  Thursday we didn’t do a whole heck of a lot and slept in late, which was really nice.  We drove to Trader Joe’s and picked up a few last minute things.  For dinner I decided to make the Sausage Broccoli Pasta that is always a hit and my mom’s favorite dish.  It’s so easy and yummy!  She also had a bottle of Charles Shaw Chardonnay and it wasn’t all that bad actually.  I had a glass and a 1/2.


After dinner we decided to watch The Hangover.  I’ve never seen this one before and it was pretty darn funny!  I sure hope that doesn’t really happen in Vegas! lol

Of course there was some munchin’ during the movie and we broke out the stash of popcorn my mom has.  Think we have enough?  The Trader Joe’s Lite Kettle Corn is my fav and I had a small bowl of that mixed with the regular lite popcorn and a few small clusters of the moose munch.  That stuff is too rich!  I also had a glass of Celestial Seasonings Mint Green tea which is my favorite after dinner tea.



Today my mom had to work, but I just spent most of the rainy day prepping the sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and turkey for dinner while Chris and my step dad watched sports.

Here’s what I had for lunch while drooling over the Southern Living Magazine and their praline pull-apart bread recipe 🙂  A simple pressed turkey sammie with roasted red pepper hummus, muenster cheese and 1/4 avocado.  I think I could just read recipes all day . . .


IMG_6228I had an apple for an afternoon snack and my cat Tweety likes to lick the core!  So funny!

I was a little worried about the turkey though because my mom had only taken it out of the freezer a day and a 1/2 before!  It was only 14 lbs, but it needed at least 3-4 days to defrost.  So when I got up this morning I made a quick cold water bath for it, changed it a few times during the day and prayed that it would defrost and not get too warm.

At 2:30pm when I went to get the bird ready it was still kind of frozen in the middle, eek!!  So we ran some cold water down the cavity and pulled all the bagged middle stuff out.  It was actually the first time I have made a turkey all by myself!  After patting it dry, I rubbed the turkey and underneath the skin with this mix:

  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp dried thyme
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh sage
  • 1-2 tsp poultry seasoning
  • garlic powder
  • salt and pepper

Place it in a roasting pan, breast up with 2 cups of chicken broth in the bottom of the pan.  Roast at 425 F for 30 min, then turn down the oven to 325 F and roast until the meaty part of the thigh reaches 165-170.  Be sure to baste it with the broth every 30 minutes or so.  Take it out of the oven and tent with foil for 20 minutes to rest.  This was the moistest turkey I think I’ve ever had!!  I was so relieved that it tasted good and everyone enjoyed it 🙂


My mom had a Charles Shaw Merlot, and while it was nothing to sing home about, it was an easy red that didn’t over power anything else too much.


I also made a sweet potato casserole from Cooking Light.  It was great, but next time I think I will reduce the sugar a bit more.


Everything else we had alongside was really yummy too!

IMG_6245My grandma made corn bread stuffing and fruit salad.  We also had a green salad, honey baked ham, and Chris made some awesome gravy.  I’m not a gravy person, but his was really good!

Here’s my plate . . .


IMG_6180And then . . . DESSERT!  I made another recipe from Cooking Light called vanilla bourbon pumpkin tart, except I didn’t have a spring form pan or bourbon and made a gingersnap crust, so it’s kind of like pumpkin cheesecake.  I also doubled the spices of course 🙂  FYI a few teaspoons of amaretto in whipped cream is amazing!



Oh boy, I think I’m going to pop!  It was all so delicious.  I only had 1 glass of wine and 1 plate and I’m still full, but not uncomfortably full.  My biggest weakness is when we put all the food away I find myself taking more little bites and licking spoons darn it!

I hope you all had a nice Christmas if you celebrate and I can’t wait to read about all your holiday festivities soon!

I think tomorrow my mom and I are going to wake up early and do a little shopping to try and find some deals.  Maybe we’ll stop by the Carolina Blonde Brewery for a little tour?  So many things to try and do still with the family, and I love that nothing of it has to do with work or school 🙂

What’s your favorite part of the holidays??

November 17, 2009

first time for . . . running?

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Fitness/Health — Tags: , , , , , — Kristen :) @ 3:48 am


I would consider myself a pretty active person.  On most weeks I get to the gym about 4 times and then try to fit in an outdoor weekend activity, which is usually cycling or more gym time.  Lately this exercise schedule has been thrown out the window with the end of the semester approaching fast.  Now I’m getting to the gym 2, maybe 3 times per week if I’m lucky?  Fitness is a huge part of my life and it just makes me feel better too, so I’ve been a bit blah not being able to get that time in.  Weekends have actually been my saving grace because I’m still able to fit in something, and this past weekend I tried my hand at running!

I know that I am an anomaly in the blog world since I don’t run, and so many of you are awesome runners!  I really have been wanting to try my hand at a sprint triathlon sometime in the future, so I figured I better start training now for next season’s races!  Honestly I can say that I’ve never just gone for a run for the fun of it.  I’ve had to run a bit for dance team in college and we had to run up and down the bleachers of the football stadium, but that’s about it.  I’ve never really liked running because it is very repetitive and gets old on a treadmill to me, but running outside is so much better!

On Sunday I met Kristen at 7am at a local running store and we went for a chilly 5 miles with a couple short walking breaks in between.  Honestly, aerobically I felt great, like I could keep going (we were taking it easy which was good).  My body didn’t feel too bad afterwards, and right when I got home I fueled with a nice smoothie and handful of pistachios.  As the day wore on though, my joints were not liking me at all.  Right below and to the outside of my knee was hurting like a mother and I could tell my IT band was not right.  I could barely make it up the stairs.  Darn it all, I just want to be a runner!  I can cycle 50 miles, dance for hours and jump around for kickbox, but running is just different.  I think it is the repetitive motions.  I took some Aleve, and finally tonight it’s starting to feel a bit better, but I’m hoping that with time and gradual training my body won’t hurt as much . . . right??? (reassurance please!)  I may have to have someone look at my form and see if it’s off.

I am sure wanting one of these right now to track my training and practically run and cycle for me! lol

The rest of the weekend was spent in the library and working on presentations, so I won’t go into detail.  I’m still working on my last proposal, and hope to start actually writing it tonight.  My goal is to have it all done before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holiday.

IMG_5449 I had a request from Amanda to recap the sweet tater lasagna I recently posted 🙂 This was a small version since I was using random leftovers, but you can always make more and have more layers!

  • 2-3 cups pasta sauce
  • 4 lasagna noodles, cooked
  • 2 cups ricotta with Italian seasoning, garlic powder & fresh basil
  • 2 small sweet potatoes (yams) sliced very thin
  • sautéed mushrooms, along with a roux added (1 cup NF milk and 1 tbsp flour) and a bit of pasta sauce
  • Any kind of cheese for topping:  mozzarella, parmesan, etc.

Layer everything in the pan, alternating, and cover it with foil so the sweet potatoes will cook.  Bake at 425 for about 25-30 minutes then un-cover, top with cheese and bake till golden.

I loved all your pistachio ideas and links, thank you!!!  With an overwhelming majority, most of you want some pistachio ice cream, and boy that doesn’t sound like a bad idea if I do say so myself 🙂  Plus I have a couple vanilla beans screaming to be used in ice cream!  Even though it’s getting pretty chilly outside, I always enjoy some of that.

Speaking of pistachios, here’s another quick and easy way to use them . . .

Coconut-Pistachio Crusted Chicken

(measurements are approximate)

  • cup pistachios
  • 1/2 cup shredded plain coconut
  • 1/3 cup parmesan
  • all-purpose seasoning (mrs. dash)
  • 1 pound chicken breasts
  • 1/3 cup egg white
  • 1 tbsp honey

Pre-heat oven to 425.  Pour the pistachios, coconut, parmesan and seasoning in a food processor and pulse until fine; place in a shallow dish.  Pour the egg and honey in another shallow dish.  Cut chicken lengthwise to make them thin, or you can pound it.  Dip chicken in egg white mixture, then coconut mixture and place on a wire rack in a sheet pan.  Drizzle chicken with a little olive oil.

Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.  So amazing!


They are also great chopped on top of a big salad!  I’ve been eating a quite a few pistachios lately.


Are you a runner?  How did you get started?  Any tips?  And if not a runner, how did you get started in your hobby of choice?

Hope your week got off to a good start 🙂

November 10, 2009

every once in awhile

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 3:00 am

You know how sometimes it’s just nice to have a little fun?  Let it all go and just sample a few 100 different types of wines?  Well, that’s what I did this past weekend and it was a lot of fun!  Every once in awhile that is . . .

Prior to the wine tasting event I made sure to get a good chunk of school work done and it served as a very good motivator.  There’s nothing like having good things to look forward to, whether it’s a wine tasting, seeing my family, or getting to go on a long bike ride, to make me get things done in order to fully enjoy the occasion.  I still have tons of school work to do mind you, but I still made progress at least!

Saturday afternoon we headed over to the Hilton and made it to the Lee’s Wine Experience around 5pm.  We also decided to get a room there so we wouldn’t have to worry about driving home.  There were about 1,000 wines for sampling!  They gave quite the pour just for a sampling too!  Of course we couldn’t make it to every table, or else risk alcohol poisoning, but we did make it to quite a few.  Here Chris was sampling the Hilltop J. Lohr Cab . . .



IMG_5346 We both were feeling it by about the third sample since we haven’t been drinking all too much lately with biking and its detriment to performance.  The only bad thing about a big tasting like that is it’s very hard to judge just how much you’ve had.  At each table I made sure to have a tiny sip and if I didn’t like it into the tub it went.  I feel bad wasting, but you can’t drink everything.  Guys were walking around with giant garbage cans full of wine that people had dumped after tasting.


There were so many people there and they didn’t have too many munchies to go around.  As the crackers and cheese were re-stocked, everyone swooped down like vultures and you had to elbow your way to get anything!  Well, it wasn’t that dramatic, but when you have a room full of people that have been drinking and need some carbohydrates, watch out!  🙂

IMG00036-20091107-1905 (2) It was a lot of fun and we found several wines that we really enjoyed, the best one being a Pinot Noir from Chile called Ritual.  Recently, I’ve lost my faith in Pinots because they all are just lacking and taste like dull, dead trees to me.  This one was perfectly balanced and interesting with subtle oak and bright berries.  We want to order some of this for Thanksgiving.  Another really interesting wine was Bodega Norton Reserve Malbec and I always love the Twomey Merlot.

Towards the end of the tasting you could tell everyone was a little less subdued, people were dancing, laughing and everyone wanted to talk up a storm!  It is so interesting to me how powerful alcohol is, myself included (that’s another post).

IMG_5372 After the tasting we went to dinner at a place called the Grand Lux Cafe It was really yummy, but I could barely eat even 1/2 of my dish.  Chris got the big burger since we only really get those every once in awhile.

I got the yellow tomato pasta pomodoro with chicken meatballs, it was delish.  I’m a big pasta lover as you know!


IMG_5367 We didn’t have dessert but grabbed some gelato while walking around.  It is fun to play tourist even though we live here!

I think I could count how many times I went to the strip as a kid on one hand.

And look they had kabocha on display!!!  I wanted to steal it and take it home to bake 🙂


I feel so old saying this but by 11 o’clock it was waaaay past our bed time and we were tuckered!  I can hardly stay up past 9pm anymore.  The next day I didn’t feel too bad, but definitely not chipper, but you know what, every once in awhile . . . it’s just fun 🙂

What’s something you like to do or indulge in every once in awhile?

November 2, 2009

thesis drama & a nice bike ride

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner,Fitness/Health,Sports Nutrition — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:35 am

IMG00029-20091101-0945 (2)With the time change I can’t believe it’s getting dark so soon.  Even though this inevitably happens every year, I never can quite adjust.

It just seems so darn late now and all the wonderful, precious sunlight dwindles faster and it’s harder to get good food pictures!

Anywho, the weekend for me was pretty unproductive.  Several projects/presentations are fast approaching the due date and I’m trying to find the time and motivation to get them done.

I also had some disappointing news with my thesis . . . First, the professor who first told me she would be my chair and help form my committee pretty much blew me off and I just found out that she eagerly said she would chair another student’s thesis that isn’t even related to sports nutrition.  I’m trying to not take it personally, but I can’t help it.  Then, ever since I sent my research outline to my chair (twice) over a month ago, he hasn’t responded to me at all.  I spoke to the graduate coordinator about it and he said that he could be my chair, but he doesn’t really do lab work.  What?  I was really wanting to work in the lab, but now I guess I have to come up with a whole new idea and it has to be more like survey research.  Any ideas???  At this point I’m just desperate for anything, very disappointing. *sigh*

Other than that we made some yummy dinners!

IMG_5303Since I had Friday off, I spent most of the day running errands and getting ready for dinner.  I made fresh pasta manicotti and fettuccine too.  Fresh pasta is so cheap to make and you get a butt load of it!  The whole drying rack was full by the time Chris was done rolling/cutting it in the mixer.

I stuffed the manicotti with a mixture of ricotta, mozzarella, fontina, parmesan, spinach, chicken sausage, and Italian spices.  I also made a homemade tomato sauce in the crock-pot which is very easy.



Did you have a good Halloween?? We didn’t even get dressed up this year!  Terrible.  We did hand out some candy and fruit snacks to the few kiddies that came in our neighborhood.  We bought waaaayy too much and now we must get rid of it asap!

I spent most of the night trying to find research articles and a new thesis topic (with no luck) and went to bed pretty early even with the time change.  I’m so glad we didn’t forget, which is unusual!

Sunday morning Chris and I went with the Green Valley Cyclists on the Lake Mead Loop trail.  It was just about 50 miles with 2300 ft of elevation change.  This is the longest I’ve done so far and boy my legs were sure letting me know it by the end of the ride!  My legs weren’t used to all that climbing.

At this point in the ride I was still feeling pretty strong and there were some awesome views of Lake Mead . . .

IMG00029-20091101-0945 (2)

I also did a little calorie calculation experimentation with an equation I found from an RD.  I’m not sure where this equation was developed or if it’s reliable, but I love playing with numbers 🙂  It did seem pretty accurate with what my HR monitor says.

118 lbs x 0.0561 (15mph) = 6.6198

6.6198 x 60 x 3 hours = 1,191 kcals

2300 ft gained/100ft x 22 = 500 extra kcals  = 1,691 total kcals

Min – x 0.3/3 = 170kcals/hour         Max – x 0.5/3 = 281kals/hour

I went with about 200kcals/hour to try to match, which seems about right.  I think they multiplied the total by .3 or .5 because of actual absorption of what’s expended?

Let’s see if I matched this . . .

  • Breakfast: big bowl of cereal, 1/2 banana, 10oz H20 – 500 kcals
  • On the Ride:
    • luna moons – 100 kcals
    • Power Bar Energy Chews – 300 kcals
    • Gatorade (42oz I think) – 180 kcals
    • 1 L of H20
  • Post Ride:
    • Smoothie – milk, 1/2 banana, strawberries, blueberries, scoop whey protein, honey, chia seeds, flax, wheat germ, peanut butter – 500 kcals
    • leftover 1/4 omelet, hash browns and 1/4 pita – 300 kcals
    • 1 L of H20
  • Dinner:
    • Beef and Barley Soup and cheesy bread – 650 kcals
    • glass of milk and 1 TJ’s cookie – 160 kcals

total kcals for the day –  2,690 kcals  (net gain of 1,000 kcals)

I’d say I didn’t do too bad, but still 1,000 kcals net gain isn’t really enough, but I’d also say I have a few extra kcals in storage since my mom came 🙂  It is important for athletes and active individuals to maintain proper nutrition throughout training and off days to make up for potential losses.  I’m no athlete, but it’s just fun to try things and see.  I usually wear an old HR monitor, but I guess my data capacity was full so it didn’t even work 🙁  Calorie expenditure is just fascinating to me.

This smoothie was amazing and I added a huge heaping spoonful of peanut butter so I could really taste it, yum!  Funny it’s in a beer glass 🙂


aaaah, cheesy toast is a great dipping vehicle for soups.  I think fontina is my favorite cheese, next to goat cheese.


Soup is great for post-workout replenishment.  It gives extra fluids, veggies, a bit more iron from the beef, fiber and carbs from the barley and even a bit more salt for electrolyte losses.


Do you track your calorie expenditure and how? Hope you have a great week!  I’m counting the days till the holidays and a little winter break, woo-hoo!

October 2, 2009

Carbs are good

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Favorites,Fitness/Health,Sports Nutrition — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 4:43 am

IMG_4896Yes! Carbohydrates are an integral component to an active lifestyle, especially for endurance athletes.  Having the right amount of fuel at the right time can make or break performance.  Every person is different in their tolerance and there is no one ‘perfect’ equation to it, so it’s important to experiment during training to see what works best.  I know I’m preaching to the choir out there, but here are some general carb guidelines for performance:

In general . . .

  • 50-65% CHO or about 5-10g/kg per day for active
  • 40-50% complex CHO, <10% simple CHO
  • 70% CHO for heavy endurance training, not for long term but for days before a big event
  • CHO is the energy source for anaerobic glycolysis and primary energy source for high intensity activities

Pre-Competition . . .

  • Make sure you have a sound diet during training because you can’t make up for nutritional inadequacies that quickly.
  • Focus on easily digestible/low-fiber foods a 1-2 days before unless your body can handle it
  • Meals should be higher in CHO and relatively lower in protein and fat
    • Protein requires ~7x more water with an additional ~50cc of water lost for each gram of urea produced
  • Stress/Nerves can alter and slow digestion
  • Never try something new right before/during the event

If you have . . . 3-4 hours before the event

  • Nice, big substantial meal
  • 60-70% CHO, low residue/fiber (3-5g/kg)

2 hours before the event

  • Lighter meal (solids and/or liquids depending on the person)
  • 60-70% CHO, low residue/fiber (2g/kg)

1 hour before the event

  • Snack or CHO beverage
  • 60-70% CHO, low residue/fiber (1g/kg)
  • aim for low glycemic index foods or add a little bit of protein (scoop of pb) if reactive hypoglycemia is common)

3 hours = 3g/kg   2 hours = 2g/kg   1 hour = 1g/kg

So depending on how much time you have before the event dictates how much is recommended to eat, but it really depends on the person and their individual tolerance.  Most events are early in the morning and someone isn’t going to get up at 2 am so they can eat a substantial meal.  They would want to make sure they eat/drink something that will satisfy their hunger, replenish and stock their stores lost overnight without causing GI distress.

During the event . . .

This is really only needed when the exercise is intense (~70% VO2 Max) and it will last longer than 1-1.5 hours, and/or if the weather is hot and humid.  Athletes can use 30-60g CHO per hour so it’s important to keep the BS stable and prevent depletion or else the body will just stop or ‘hit the wall’.

  • Ingest 15-20g CHO every 15-20 min of mixed CHO sources to utilize all the intestinal transporters and maximize absorption.  I just try to shoot for at least 1/2-1L of fluid an hour and a packet of gummies because I can’t stomach the CHO drinks.
  • Avoid only fructose because it can delay gastric emptying and cause GI distress in some.
  • 6-8% CHO solutions are best
  • CHO supplementation before and during events has an additive effect
  • Delaying replenishment until towards the end can increase BG, but not enhance performance

After the event . . .

  • It takes about 20 hours to rebuild glycogen stores
  • 1-1.5g/kg within 15-30 minutes and then 1-1.5g/kg every 2 hours until 7-10g/kg is reached.  This is especially important for the athlete who has another event soon.
  • CHO/PRO has no benefit on glycogen synthesis, but protein is very important for muscle recovery.
  • Most important factor is the AMOUNT of CHO, not necessarily if it is high or low GI, although high GI appears best to maximize stores.

CHO loading is also another strategy athletes use before an event.  A good way to tell if it is working is to watch the trends on the scale.  If you are gaining weight that means you are storing glycogen because for each gram of glycogen, there is 3g of water weight gained.

Because Chris is getting ready to race a century (118 mile) ride in 2 weeks, I’ve been using him as my guinea pig to help him maximize his performance with nutrition.  I think the main thing for him the week before is going to be eating MORE, lots more, to fuel his ride that will take at least 6.5 hours to finish.  The last big ride he burned about 2,800 kcals in 4 hours, wow that’s almost a pound!

Speaking of carbs, I definitely include complex and simple carbs in most of my meals because I’m pretty active, they are healthy and I like them!  I think my favorite type of carb is pasta in any form if you hadn’t noticed by all the pasta recipes I post 🙂

I went to the farmer’s market today and got lots of goodies:  kabocha (Not to be confused with kambucha tea, so sorry for my misspelling earlier!!), apples, pears, lemon thyme, wild chanterelle mushrooms and vanilla beans.  So many recipe ideas rolling through my brain!

I decided to experiment with these beauties . . .


I didn’t really have anything planned for dinner since our leftovers ran out, so I decided on a simple dish:  chanterelle papparadelle with a lemon thyme sauce.  I had never had these mushrooms before and they were very earthy and meaty and went well with the lemon thyme.  I had some of TJ’s lemon pepper pasta leftover and it went well too.  I just sautéed the mushrooms and a shallot, made a roux with butter, flour and non-fat milk (salt, pepper, & a small pinch of cayenne) and added 2 tbsp lemon thyme and mixed it all together.



Overall a quick, satisfying dinner!  I sure wanted to have a glass of sauvignon blanc with this!  FYI:  wine is no good for performance darn-it!

What are some strategies you use to maximize your performance?

September 16, 2009


Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Lighter Fare,Recipes in a Flash — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 5:37 pm

IMG_4696 Yay for Wednesday!  I hope all your weeks are going well.  Last night I was determined to be efficient with my limited time.  I was thinking about stopping at the Whole Foods on the way home, since I was missing a few ingredients for dinner, but I knew that would just be danger.  I try to make only one or two grocery-related stops per week, otherwise if I just stop to pick up one thing I tend to walk out with the entire store!  I like to peruse the aisles, finding any cool thing to try and discover.  Any one else like that?  Plus it’s a big waste of time, so I decided to fight the urge to stop and improvise with what I had at home.  But, somehow I still managed to go to the store, you’ll see (I mean read).

I decided to make lettuce boats sometime this week and last night was perfect because they are really pretty quick.  I also killed two birds with one stone and prepped veggies for the peanut butter noodles I plan on making for Thursday.  I think this is really what I need to do from now on.  I need to prep on the weekends with the little spare time I have (ha!) so that dinner during the week isn’t so laborious and time consuming.  Cooking is supposed to be fun, right?  I love cooking because it is like an outlet for me and I enjoy the time and every sensory aspect of it, but it is just not as feasible now.  Plus, Chris is also working full-time and taking classes at night so while he’s getting ready for class, I’m left prepping and cleaning up.  Even though he is a good helper when he has time 🙂

Another great and quick dinner is Annie’s Mac and Cheese, but I always have to ‘spruce up Annie’ with a little extra ingredients like veggies, tofu, mushrooms, yogurt and cheese.  This time I just threw in random leftovers we had in the fridge, easy and yummy!


Here’s the lettuce boats, don’t you love the ancient plates 🙂  Hey, they work, right?


Yum!  They turned out really good and refreshing.  Here are the lettuce boats 🙂  I also like to pair them with some soba noodles.


Before I left from work around 4pm I had a snack of greek yogurt, cereal and cantaloupe, because this helps me from getting too hungry for dinner.  If I get too hungry I tend to raid the kitchen like a crazy person.  Usually I just much on baby carrots while I make dinner and that works.  I also felt pretty full from dinner, but for some reason I was still craving something after dinner!  Oh no, the munchies were attacking!  Okay plan B.  When this happens I try to go for a walk or go upstairs to work on things to take my mind off of it.  I did the above and usually that works, but last night I was really craving some fro yo!

The urge would not leave me (Chris was also not helping) and so I decided to fuel our cravings and went to a nearby Fresh & Easy to get something cold and creamy.  I normally don’t shop here exclusively, but boy this store is dangerous and has really good prices.  I went in for some frozen yogurt and came out with cereal, fig bars and pb pretzels too, geez!  All for only $10, though.  I can’t be controlled in any grocery situation 🙂  Every grocery store should come with a warning:  CAUTION! you WILL buy more than you really need.

I had a bowl of 1/2 fat vanilla bean and a crumbling of 1/2 leftover banana muffin on top  mmmm . . . but then I proceeded to grab a handful of popcorn and pb pretzels to try!  And that was it, the munchies were defeated, well sort of.

I am sooo looking forward to the weekend and the GREEK FOOD FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!! We absolutely love this every year and the food is well, phenomenal.  We may also be going to a pink martini concert on Sunday night (this group is really awesome), but I really have to study, research, get ready for a project and an exam on Monday eek!

What do you do to battle an attack of the munchies?

September 14, 2009

just one more day

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:04 am

IMG_4672Sunday always rolls around too fast and I’m left wishing I just had ONE more day, one more day would make all the difference in the world!  Last weekend when we did have the 3-day weekend, it was just glorious, and I felt like I got a lot of things accomplished.

This weekend, well not so much . . .

Friday night is always a chill night for us.  It’s a time when we can cook a little something together and/or enjoy a little vino.  Chris rode his bike to work, since he is training for a century race in October (118 miles!) and got home a little later, so I got started on dinner with this recipe.  I changed it a little bit and added some goat cheese to the sauce and also used this pasta I recently IMG_4661 discovered at TJ’s.  It was sooo good!  I normally don’t like to buy packaged long pastas because it can be so much cheaper to make it on my own, but since it was late and Chris wasn’t home, I thought it would be perfect in an emergency 🙂

I think I’m going to add lemon to my pasta from now on because it gives it a nice refreshing and subtle yumminess.  This pasta would also work really well with seafood.  I didn’t know if it would go well with a tomato-type sauce, but it actually was really nice.IMG_4660-1

First I made the meatballs . . . and used oatmeal as the binder instead of breadcrumbs this time.

It really helps to form the balls beforehand and get them ready for the hot pan.


Once they are nice and golden around the edges, I added the sauce with the additional goat cheese to make it creamy.  It will look a little loose, but don’t let it reduce down too much because the pasta will absorb all that goodness.


Then I added all the pasta (I used 1.5 bags of the lemon pepper pasta), basil and parmesan and mixed it all up 🙂

At this point I decided that, yes I would like to have a glass of wine, please!!  Since Chris (crazy bike man now) was going to ride again tomorrow, he decided to abstain 🙁  So I thought I didn’t really want to open up a whole bottle of wine only to waste 3/4 of it.  Hmmm . . .  wait I had a bottle of barefoot chard in the fridge, yes!!  Perfect for any occasion when you can’t drink the whole thing because it’s only about $4 /bottle.  To tell you the truth it wasn’t that bad and actually good!  I really don’t spend more than $10-15 /bottle most of the time anyway, and you really don’t have to to get a decent bottle 🙂  I saved the rest in the fridge, but the quality just isn’t the same after several days.

And with that dinner was served!  I had to take the picture outside because the lighting inside was just terrible by the time dinner was ready.


Hello, my name is Kristen and I’m a pasta-holic 🙂


Saturday was a big frustrating whirlwind for me.  I decided to go to the library to get focused and get things done, but it really felt like a waste of time, well sort of.  I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to print since I had my laptop (well, my hard drive in Chris’ laptop since mine fried itself) and their printers aren’t supported by vista, and I forgot my unlv password, and then I had to figure out the scanner to send something and then . . . . ok I’ll just stop hehe  I did find a few articles for my thesis that sound interesting.  One of them compared 4 different drinks on hydration.  I’d like to do something like this with coconut water, just not have so many variables.  I just feel like I keep searching and searching, but still don’t feel completely confident.  I e-mailed a few professors, so we’ll see what they think and if it is doable.

IMG_4680 Since I got myself so flustered, I decided to bake a batch of banana muffins!  I like to watch them poof in the oven, it’s very therapeutic 🙂  This recipe is from the blog Pinch My Salt.  I really like her pumpkin pancakes too.

Sunday was spent mostly cycling!  woo-hoo!  Breakfast was a quick omelet with tofu, black beans, corn and spinach (leftovers from the week) on a flatbread and IMG_4681of course a muffin 🙂 I went on a women’s ride and then they had a little clinic afterwards on how to change a flat and clean your chains.  They also had bagels, juice and coffee.  I completely forgot my camera!  Riding back home was really HOT and soooo windy!  This was the worst wind I’ve ridden in and I thought I was literally going to blow off the bike, yikes!  It is still blowing like crazy out there as I type.

While the ride was pretty easy, when we finally rode back home around 1pm, I was sweating like crazy from pushing against the wind in IMG_4687the heat and decided to re-hydrate with coconut water!!  Oh my gosh, I think I’m in love.

It has such a wonderfully sweet, yet very subtle flavor that sat well on my tummy.  I love that it has more potassium and 230% vitamin C compared to your conventional electrolyte replacement drinks, and it’s natural.  No red #40 in here.  Love that!  I’m going to look at different brands because this one didn’t have that much sodium, which is a key to rehydrating when working hard in the heat.  imageYes, you need sodium!  When I looked on, they said there was 252 mg of sodium in coconut water.  Has anyone seen this in a brand??

The version that I bought had 60 kcals, 15g CHO, 680 mg potassium, 40 mg sodium and more vitamin C than the one on  I’ll have to look into that.  I didn’t know if brands are different?

I can’t wait to experiment with more because I really liked how it made me feel and settled on my tummy.  I usually can’t drink Gatorade and such because they are so darn sweet.

Whew!  Long recap 🙂  I hope you all had a more productive weekend than I did and have a good week!  Lots of things to do.

How do you best stay hydrated, and rehydrate after endurance activity?

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