Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

September 4, 2009

nice and refreshing

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 5:44 pm

IMG_4573ahhhh, Fridays, the love of my life, I look forward to you all week!

Overall the week was good!  Progress has been made in my thesis in that I am meeting with my chair next week to get the ball rolling and hopefully I can come up with a topic that will be both interesting and doable.  I’m really interested in the coconut water topic, but there are no studies out there that I can find as of yet.  This would not be good for me in that I wouldn’t have any suggestions or methods to base my research off of.  Any of you with an MS out there have any suggestions for me as I embark on this crazy journey that you wish you would have done differently? I’m still trying to learn the proper protocol for everything, and I can’t believe all the grammatical rules, yikes!

I am sooooorrre today!  My muscles are not liking me at the moment, but I tried to win them over with some chia, flax, wheat germ oats love this morning 🙂  Workout week looked something like this . . .

tuesday – hip hop

wednesday – kick box (always makes me sore) I think my HR monitor is freaking out because it has told me twice now I maxed at 222, um cardiac arrest?!

thursday – first jazz class in a long time and I have definitely lost a lot of my technique and my hips were in shock.

friday – spin

I have to say though that since I’ve started cycling, my exercise classes have been feeling a lot easier and I don’t get very winded.  Granted I am still sucking air like a girl on my rides trying to keep up with the pros, other things are now feeling easier, just for conditioning.  I’ve got my clipless shoes, so now I just have to get the pedals.  Why did I decide to start something so pricey, geez!  I’m really nervous about this because you are practically locked into the bike and I can just imagine myself falling over while screaming ‘I can’t clip out!!!’  oh dear. positive thoughts.

Many of you around the blog world have been joyously praising the new fall weather coming your way and I’m jealous!!!  Please send some out my way!  It’s still freaking hot here and I look forward to the days when I can actually do activities outside in the afternoon without dying from heat stroke and bake lovely comforting warm casseroles without heating the house to oblivion.  So because of that I have a nice refreshing pasta dish, adapted from my pasta idol Giada, that is great really at any temperature and very refreshing!


Lemony Roasted Chicken & Broccoli Pasta


  • about 3 bunches broccoli, trimmed and chopped
  • 1/2 box of your favorite long pasta (I usually make fresh fettuccine, but in a crunch we had spaghetti rigati)
  • 1 (14-ounce) can reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups shredded roasted chicken (from about 1 roasted chicken)
  • 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper and all-purpose seasoning


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.  Add pasta and cook until 4 minutes from al dente, then add broccoli and finish cooking together.  Reserve 1/2 cup liquid; drain and rinse with cold water.

Meanwhile, bring the broth and lemon juice to a boil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Boil until the broth reduces a bit. Add the garlic and chicken, simmer on low.  Add broccoli and pasta to the chicken broth and stir to combine. Add 1/3-1/2 cup of Parmesan, pine nuts, oil, and lemon zest. Toss to coat, adding some of the reserved cooking liquid, 1/4 cup at a time, to moisten if needed* Season to taste. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan and serve.

*note  this is a really light sauce so it will seem as if it’s not ‘coming together’  give it time and some good light stirring.  The chicken and broccoli will absorb all that lovely juice.


It’s great as a cold salad for leftovers too!


If you couldn’t tell, I’m really looking forward to the extra day this weekend.  We don’t have any specific plans, but I do hope to make some progress on my school projects, organization and sanity, along with other house stuff like cleaning and wash.  Oh and hopefully a bike ride in there somewhere.  Tonight I plan to get together with a good friend for a little bite to eat and some drinks 🙂

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

August 22, 2009

a little bit of randomness

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 3:37 am

IMG_4446 I don’t really have a specific topic for this post, and it probably won’t be my most stellar, but I just wanted to post and say hello!

Whew, today is Friday and boy am I a happy camper in the non-tent, non-outdoor form, of course!  Fridays always make me happy even though the weekends always fly by way too fast.

Since my last post I went to the Farmer’s Market here in Las Vegas started by Molto Vegas.  I actually found out about it from our Staff Meeting at work.  Every meeting they highlight a specific program at UNCE, and this time it was the ‘Producer to Chef’ program with Bob Morris.  Wow, this really got me excited!  Doug Taylor, the executive pastry chef for Molto Vegas was also there because he was the man who started the great producer-to-chef relationship with all the local farms near the Vegas area (150 mile radius).  When they told us about this farmer’s market, I literally wanted to jump out of my seat with delight!  I’ve been to a few farmer’s markets here and just haven’t been that impressed.  This one . . . oh my gosh, loss for words.  It is located in a warehouse that is pretty cramped and there were a lot of people (word got out), but the product was just gorgeous!  The chefs in town get first dibbs and then the public gets to look around.  Connecting with the chefs is what really makes this farmer’s market work and helps the farmer’s to actually make money.  Boy, I am so glad they opened it to the public too.

IMG_4444 I got some really great things and oh let me tell you I could have bought it all!  I got some pumpkin blossoms, leeks, yellow summer squash, figs, peaches, plums, lemon basil and purple basil.  I cannot wait to try these out!  I already had a bite of the lemon basil and it about knocked my socks off it was so good.  It’s like basil with a refreshing lemon-y punch.  You have to try this!  I also had one of the plums which was juicy and so full of flavor.  Usually at the store they taste like flavorless hockey pucks.


mmmm . . . I’m in heaven with this kind of stuff!  And you know what I’ve finally come to the realization that I have to go to culinary school no matter what that looks like or how I get there.  I’ve danced around the idea forever now.  This truly makes me excited and happy!  I’d like to go to Johnson and Wales because they actually have a culinary nutrition degree and I’ve taken a lot of the science-based classes already.  But, I may have to settle for the community college here because it’s way too expensive.  It is definitely on my must-do list 🙂  You have to hold me to it!!

This weekend we are planning on going to our friend’s double birthday/housewarming party which should be a lot of fun.  They plan on having beer pong, hehe!  Takes me back to the college days, although I wasn’t a big partier at all.  I didn’t even have a drink till I was 21 I swear.  But I do like to go dancing in da club!  I’d also like to get a good bike ride in on Saturday, but we’ll see how it goes.  I’ve been sorely sleep deprived this week and really just want to sleep in and catch up to be honest 🙂

Tonight for din din I went back on that chicken sausage broccoli pasta idea that I had in mind before my guy made us something special Wednesday 🙂  This is really a winner, and everyone I make it for really likes it.  My mom always requests it when I come to visit.  Oh and my mom is coming to visit me October 20th for a week!  I’m sooo excited!  Being that she is in North Carolina and I’m way over here in Vegas, it makes it really hard sometimes for me.  I do call my mom every day on the phone though!

Sorry for the terrible lighting, it was getting dark and the precious sunlight was dwindling!  Any camera pros know of a cheap light tent or some kind of light station to make great light?

I also added some of the farmer’s market leeks and TJ’s heirloom tomatoes.  This recipe is great because you can vary the ingredients based on what you have on hand 🙂


I also made stuffed squash blossoms because, well, I’ve always wanted to try and make them!  I stuffed them with a mixture of ricotta, parmesan, goat cheese, garlic, pine nuts and lemon basil.  This is sooo good and would also be great stuffed in calzones, added to scrambled eggs, or as a bruschetta topping.

Then I made a tempura batter to plop them in before frying them to a crisp.  Here’s the recipe I based mine off of and this one too.  Wow!  So good!  I didn’t know how easy tempura batter is.  The blossoms are very unique and I love the puffy tempura batter!  Once we started frying Chris got a little fry happy, so we decided to try anything we could find 🙂  Broccoli, sweet potatoes(these are my favorite), whole wheat tortillas  . . .


And even a string cheese!!!


Oooey, gooey cheese in the middle!  Yum!  I love tempura batter, and I haven’t fried anything ever in my own kitchen.  Can you believe that?  Of course I’ve had it at restaurants though.  It was fun, a bit messy, but oh so good!


Another big question for you  .  .  . I’ve been wanting to update my site for ages now, but it just hasn’t seemed to pan out mostly because I have no idea when it comes to website design.  I’d like to ask if you guys know of any one that is good with this kind of thing?  I’d be willing to pay, but I don’t have that big of a budget being that I just had to fork out my left kidney for grad school.  (Speaking of which, I’m going to be taking sports nutrition and research methods in physical activity).  I’d mostly just like to make it easier to navigate, with better graphics/background and add a few tabs, including a recipes tab with all my recipes I’ve posted.  Thanks for your thoughts!

Have you guys seen the FoodBuzz Blogger Festival itinerary yet??  Wow!  How freakin’ cool would that be?!  I am still in the process of being a featured publisher, but I would love to go!

Well, if you’ve made it through this post and your head doesn’t hurt, I commend you!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Any fun plans??

June 25, 2009

leftovers galore

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 12:14 am

IMG_3252Man, this week seems to be draaaging!  Maybe because last weekend just got away from me with all the party planning and I’m really looking forward to the next one??  But, heck weekends always usually seem to just fly.  Anyone else agree?  I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who liked my photos.  It’s still a work in progress, and I will certainly be eating A LOT of cold dinners in the future!

Speaking of cold dinners . . . it’s been so dang hot here that all I’ve been craving is cold things . . . smoothies, fruit, or a nice big bowl of yogurt, cereal and frozen fruit like this . . .


I love it when the fruit gets all melty and flavors the yogurt and the cereal gets slightly soggy, but still has a slight crunch!  Yummy stuff.  Plus Chris has been getting home at 10 during the week with summer school, so preparing this is really a cinch.  I get so excited for Fridays now when we actually can cook and be together.  I think it’s going to be calzones or pizza and some good ol’ vino this Friday.

Because we had a ton of leftovers from the housewarming party, I tried to plan this weeks meals around them (aside from the bowls of yogurt!), and decided to make a simple caprese mac and cheese.  We also had lots of liquor left, including a giant thing of vodka, coconut rum, sweet tea vodka, cranberry and pineapple juice.  I think we need to have another party just to use it all!  Good thing that stuff never goes bad 🙂

This is a lightened up version of mac and cheese, so that the noodles aren’t drowning in it, but are nicely coated.  I actually didn’t mind eating it cold either.

Caprese Mac and Cheese

Yield:  4

  • 1/2 box of your favorite pasta
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large shallot, minced
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 2 cups of milk (I used non-fat)
  • about 2 cups of your favorite cheeses (I think I added goat cheese, herbed brie, sharp cheddar, aged gouda, and parmesan
  • 1/3 cup fresh basil, chopped
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • salt, pepper, all-purpose seasoning to taste
  • anything else you can find in your fridge to throw in!
  • I also topped it with some breadcrumbs

Preheat oven to 375.  Start boiling the pasta until al dente.  Meanwhile, heat up the oil, add the shallot and sauté until golden.IMG_3227 Add the flour and cook a few minutes.  Slowly add the milk while whisking.  Slowly simmer and whisk until the mixture thickens.  Turn  the heat to low or off and add all your cheeses, basil, tomato, seasonings and other stuff you can find.  When everything is melty and yummy, place in a pan, top with crumbs and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes.  Enjoy!


Closer . . .


Closest! . . .


What do you like to eat in the summer time when it’s so dang hot?

June 10, 2009

sprucing up annie

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner,Recipes in a Flash — Tags: — Kristen :) @ 1:58 am

100_2949I love annie’s mac and cheese, but I always like to add a little bit more to it and spruce it up.  I like things with contrasting flavors, colors, textures, so just having a plain bowl of mac and cheese just doesn’t do it for me.  I want more adventure!  So I like to add just a few things to change it up a bit.  When I make popcorn, I have to mix some cereal 100_2940 or chocolate chips in it because I can’t have just popcorn.  When I eat cereal I have to have about 4 different kinds all mixed in, because I can’t just eat one kind. So weird!

Usually I make things from scratch and always despise making things out of a box or freezer bag.  My dear mother used to love making those hamburger and tuna helpers, and I absolutely despised it as I got older!  She always tried to fit in in there somewhere.  Maybe that is where I get my culinary inspiration from?  No one in my immediate family enjoys cooking that much, except my great grandmother (she passed away when I was 3, so sad we didn’t get to cook together) and grandmother on my mom’s side.  Isn’t that funny?

image But, oh when i was younger my grandma used to make me Velveeta brand mac and cheese, and oh how I loved the salty, creamy goodness of it!  She probably put extra butter in it too, oh grandma and her butter.  She would make me peaches and cream too with the real stuff, yes whole milk, chopped peaches and sugar!  Itimage was so good though.  I used to also love those Little  Debbie nutty bars.  I think I’ve had a love affair with peanut butter from birth!  It’s crazy the junk food kids love and are attracted to these days with great media tactics.

Here are some previous attempts at sprucing up Annie:


Tonight here’s what I came up with:

I added chopped shallot, garlic, a few mushrooms, leftover corn, 1 zucchini, 1/2 bell pepper, 1 small head broccoli and tofu and sautéed it until golden.  I also like to add about 1/4 cup each of non-fat milk and greek yogurt to it for its tang and creaminess, along with herbed goat cheese, a little fontina (leftovers from the peppers), parmesan and all-purpose seasoning.  It was delish!  Next time I think I’m going to add some chipotle chilis in adobo and black beans for a Mexican twist?  Or caprese mac and cheese?  mmm . . . endless possibilities!

Mac and Cheese tower . . .



Brought me back to my childhood 🙂

What are some nostalgic childhood junk food memories you have that you wouldn’t think of eating today?  I’d love to hear them!

June 2, 2009

new additions

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 4:44 pm

There have been many new things in my life recently from a new house, new furniture, new kitchen, new schedules, and now a new . . . dog!  We picked up Buster the basset on Sunday morning and he is doing quite well for changing homes pretty regularly.  He’s 6 years old and we adopted him from the Las Vegas Basset Rescue.  This organization is so wonderful and they do so much for their doggies.  We couldn’t be happier with the happy guy.  Actually he’s your typical basset . . . doesn’t like to do much but lie around all day, have a good walk (all of about 20 minutes max), eat some grub and lie down again.  Oh . . . the life of a basset.  He’s the first dog I’ve seen that really sleeps hard, I mean really hard.  We have to shake him for awhile before he’ll get up!  So funny!  We had to get him some ear rinse to keep his long ears clean and this tool to help with shedding, along with other typical doggie things.  We hope he’s enjoying his new home too.

Blogging buddies meet Buster the basset . . .


He even knows how to roll over (haha)


100_2931 In house news, we finally got a dining table to eat at, yay!  I’m glad to sit at a table and not on the floor.  We still have to spruce up the place with some pictures, and need to get the drapes on the walls.  Our little housewarming party is approaching fast . . . eek!

100_2912 This past weekend we made some fresh baked pasta (THE best) and a rhubarb crisp.  We used half whole wheat and half AP flour.  I love rhubarb in the summer, especially when it’s paired along with strawberries and topped with a crumbly, crisp topping. . . yum!


100_2905I also tried the crisp with TJ’s non-fat tart frozen yogurt.  It was good, but I have to say it doesn’t quite compare to the soft serve we get at that yogurt place near our house of course, but it will do for now.

It doesn’t melt right to me, but is more like a smooth sorbet?

100_2932 Last night I also tapped into the frugal cook and made a polenta mushroom casserole that was delish!  I swear it tastes better than it looks.  It’s flavor was very smoky and slightly spicy from the addition of a little canned chipotle chiles in adobo.  If you haven’t experimented with these yet, they add quite a bit of flavor to many dishes.  I usually buy a can and then freeze little portions in baggies to use later, since you can’t really use one whole can in one recipe unless you want to burn your whole mouth off.  Next time I will make the polenta the night before so it will ‘set’ up better for the topping.  I tried queso fresco for the first time, but I don’t know if I would use it again because I couldn’t really taste it on top, as it was masked by the smokiness of the chiles.

Polenta Mushroom Casserole

Yield:  8-10 servings


  • 5 1/2 cups water or low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 1/2  cups dry polenta (fancy name for corn meal)
  • 1  tbsp olive oil
  • 1/3 cup parmesan cheese
  • salt, pepper, all-purpose seasoning

Mushroom Topping:

  • 1  tablespoon  olive oil
  • 2  cups  chopped onion
  • 3/4 lb lean ground chicken (I had this leftover in the freezer)
  • 2 – 8oz cartons sliced crimini mushrooms
  • 1/2  teaspoon  salt
  • 1/4  cup  fruity balsamic vinegar
  • 1  tsp – 1tbsp chopped drained canned chipotle chiles in adobo sauce
  • 1  tbsp dried oregano
  • 3  garlic cloves, minced
  • 1  (28-ounce) can tomatoes, drained and chopped
  • crumbled queso fresco cheese, or mozzarella, or goat cheese for topping


Preheat oven to 350°.

To prepare polenta, combine first 4 ingredients in a 13 x 9-inch baking dish, stirring well. Bake at 375° for 1 hour or until liquid is absorbed.  This can be done the night before to help it ‘set’ better.

To prepare topping, while polenta bakes, heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, and sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Add chicken and mushrooms and 1/2 teaspoon salt; cook until mushrooms release moisture and begin to brown, stirring occasionally. Add vinegar, chiles, oregano, and garlic. Reduce heat to medium, and cook until liquid evaporates, stirring constantly. Stir in tomatoes, and cook over low heat 20-30 minutes or until the mixture thickens and reduces, stirring occasionally.

Spoon over polenta; sprinkle evenly with cheese. Increase oven temp and bake at 400° for 20-30 minutes or until cheese begins to melt and brown.  Serve with a side salad.  This is great for leftovers!


Look and the plate is on a table now, yay!


Any new additions in your life or in the past that made you happy?  Hope your having a great week!

May 20, 2009

just about done . . . well almost . . . and giveaways!

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Projects — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 1:21 am

Well we moved in two weeks ago on Friday and it’s just starting to feel like a home!  This first time home ownership, do-it-yourself stuff is not for the faint of heart.  It’s a lot of work!  I truly admire those that do this kind of work for a living.  We’ve been busy and yet it still seems like there is so much more to do.  I am a list writer and I have lists and lists of things to buy, things to do, things to plan . . . Definitely won’t be bored anytime soon.

We haven’t made much more progress on the painting, but are having the professionals come back out this Saturday to finish our master bath, guest bath and powder room.  After that we just have the guest room, laundry room and molding to paint and touch-up.  We ended up having to buy a new 100_2852 fridge because the stink just wouldn’t come out of the other one, it was icky!  The new one is amazing; I’ve never had a fridge like this before.  A dining room table and a bedroom set for us is still on the list.  We are going to go look at a couple furniture outlets this weekend and I also saw a nice table at Big Lots that we really liked.  The budget is surely dwindling!

Warning:  Installing your own laminate “easy floating lock-in” floor is NOT easy, I repeat is NOT easy!  Making all the cuts was the hardest part.  The hammering in the boards wasn’t too bad, but my knees and joints didn’t like all the floor action.  Ouch!  I felt like an old lady afterwards even with knee pads.  But, it’s pretty much done, and after 500 sq ft. and 20 hours of hard work it looks really nice.  Woo-hoo, we did it!  We still have to put all the base boards back on and get all the thresholds to make the transitions from tile to laminate much smoother.  100_2865Sometimes I wish I could afford to be a not do-it-yourself-er!  But, Chris was on his high horse feeling like a manly man.  I just wanted to get it over with.  I may be smiling, but I’m really thinking . . this sucks!  What did I get myself into?  When is this going to be over?  Get me out of here!

Here are some pictures!

Where did all the carpet go?


There it is!  I see a couple loads to the dump in our future. 100_2858

Swimming pool floor . . . this is the moisture barrier. 100_2859 100_2864

Chris made all the cuts, and re-cuts . . . 100_2868

Lots and lots of measurements . . . carpenter squares are amazing and a must-have.100_2869

Lots of saw dust and dirt . . . 100_2875


Finished product so far . . .  Lots of decorating to do.  Gotta love the 19” TV that my friend let us borrow.  I have to wear my glasses to see it haha.  A new TV will be way down the road.


Why hasn’t the dining table and drapery fairy visited yet? 100_2879

Also need a couple large area rugs . . . those are so darn expensive! 100_2880

I have made it to the grocery store finally.  We’ve been eating out way too much.  There is also this self-serve frozen yogurt shop somewhat near our house where you can put on all your toppings and then they weigh it . . . this is sooo dangerous and sooo good!  I seriously have to hit myself to keep me from going there every day!  It’s that good.

I made a really easy pasta salad the other day, and it was just the thing in this heat and with working our butts off.

Here’s what in it . . . sorry no specific measurements.  These kind of things I just throw whatever sounds good, or whatever is in the fridge, into it and it’s different every time!


  • Orange and Lemon Juice + zest of both
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper and all-purpose seasoning like Mrs. Dash
  • Dijon mustard
  • rice wine vinegar (sweet tang)


  • 1/2 box favorite pasta shape
  • shredded chicken breast
  • bell pepper
  • cucumber
  • grapes
  • artichoke hearts
  • green onions
  • toasty walnuts
  • goat cheese (it gets melty from the pasta and makes a creamy sauce by itself!)

So refreshing!  I also like to put it atop a nice bed of romaine lettuce or spinach.


Here are the winning numbers randomly generated for the EatingRD survey giveaway (finally!) . . .

  • 13 – Sweta
  • 11 – skibum40
  • 10 – sorensenjamie
  • 12 – mdwyer1970
  • 6 – willsmj

Please e-mail me at and let me know your contact information and whether you would like a 1GB flash drive or 5 iTunes downloads.  Congrats!

I hope you all haven’t forgotten me and I really appreciate all your kind words and compliments with the house.  Hopefully I’ll be getting back to regularly scheduled blogging pretty soon.  I sure hope you are having a wonderful summer (if it’s summer where you’re at yet) and the sunshine is making you happy happy!

What’s your favorite part about summer?

April 19, 2009

seeing green

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 9:37 pm


We found out that we are going to close on Monday!  Woo-hoo!  Let the madness begin.  While we haven’t progressed in our packing endeavors, we did make a trip to drop off a load of furniture to the new place.  I also bought some quarts of paint to test the colors out and make sure they will work.

At the moment I’m fighting off a viral URI (found out it’s not strep thank goodness!), but it’s been about 5 days and I’m hoping I’m half way through.  Plus that lovely time of the month has greeted me.  I guess they say when it rains it pours right? 🙂  I’m just looking through to the end of packing, moving, painting, flooring, getting settled, finishing finals and being able to . . . . RELAX!!  I see a little bit of light, but it’s in the distance.  Many thanks for all your kind words, I really appreciate it!

On to a lovely dinner . . .

Lemony Tofu Pesto Pasta


4 servings (serving size: about 1 1/4 cups)


  • 1 lb cherry tomatoes, halved and seeds squeezed out (I used TJ’s heirloom tomato mix)
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • Cooking spray
  • 4  teaspoons  olive oil, divided
  • 1/2  teaspoon  freshly ground black pepper, divided
  • 2  cups tightly packed fresh baby spinach (about 1 1/4 ounces)
  • 1 1/2  cups cubed reduced-fat silken tofu (about 6 ounces, I only had firm on hand and it worked well)
  • 1  cup packed fresh basil leaves
  • 1/3 cup grated fresh Parmesan-Romano cheese blend
  • 1  tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 3/4  teaspoon  salt
  • 2  garlic cloves, minced
  • juice and zest from one medium lemon
  • 4  cups  hot cooked whole wheat spaghetti (about 8 ounces uncooked)  We made fresh!  **Be sure to save 1/2 cup pasta water to thin sauce if needed.
  • 3  tablespoons  pine nuts, toasted


Preheat oven to 450°.

100_2705 Place tomatoes, cut sides up, and mushrooms on a jelly-roll pan coated with cooking spray. Drizzle with 2 teaspoons oil; sprinkle evenly with 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper. Bake at 450° for 7 minutes or until tender.  Broil just until charred.

100_2701 Combine remaining 2 teaspoons oil, remaining 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, spinach, tofu, and next 6 ingredients (through lemon) in a food processor; process until smooth.

Combine spinach mixture and cooked pasta in a large skillet; cook over low until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally and adding pasta water if needed. Gently stir in tomatoes, mushrooms and toasted pine nuts; sprinkle with a bit of parmesan.  Enjoy!  We had the Bridlewood Chard featured here along with it.

This dish has about 300-350 kcals, 11g fat, 14g protein, and 44g Carbs


Here is the tower of pasta! We like to place our pasta on this drying rack until we get ready to boil it all.  It helps it to rest and dries it out just a bit so they don’t all end up sticking to each other.  It’s also great if you want to dry the pasta out all the way and save for later.


A little close up . . . this dish was very refreshing!


I haven’t forgot about the demo site giveaway!!  I am planning to close the entry at the end of April and announce 5 winners with their choice of a 1GB hard drive or 3 iTunes downloads.  So there’s still time, I’d love to hear your feedback on the site survey!

April 4, 2009

new demo site

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Recipes in a Flash — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 5:40 pm

100_2657 Happy Weekend!  The new demo site for eatingRD is up and running!  It will just give a little preview of what I’m piloting for a new business endeavor.  It’s still being tweaked and adjusted and there are still many things we need to add, so that is why I am asking for all your comments and feedback.  You all have such great ideas and insight and I would love to hear from you, good or bad, about what you think.

imageHere is the link!  There is a short survey you can take that will give us some insight as to what you think of the new site, your impressions and expectations of RDs and a business like this, and ways you think it can be improved.

Five entries will be chosen at random to win a 1GB flash drive from  Here’s an example one at the left.

Now on to dinner! . . .

This is definitely my favorite go-to dish because it’s pretty easy to make and it was the first recipe I ever got comfortable with.  It’s such a great feeling when you are in the kitchen and can just grab ingredients ‘a little bit here, a dash of that’ and it turns out well!  That’s what makes cooking so much fun, even if it doesn’t always turn out.  It’s a big experiment!  Go ahead and try it with different types of sausage (lower fat of course) and pasta to make it your own. I have made it for several family and friends, who always request me to make it, and it’s great for a casual yet elegant dinner party.  It always seems to disappear too fast!  This dish is great for leftovers, and I am all about the leftovers! They can be a great way to stretch food dollars.

Broccoli Sausage Pasta


Serves 4-6

  • Freshly ground pepper or Mrs. Dash seasoning
  • 2-3 heads broccoli, trimmed and washed
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
  • 2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
  • 5 links turkey or chicken sausage (lower fat), casing removed
  • 1 1/2 cups canned low-sodium chicken broth whisked with 1 1/2 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 12 oz of your favorite pasta, such as campanelle or farfalle
  • 1/8 teaspoon crushed red-pepper flakes
  • 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan/Romano cheese, plus more for sprinkling


  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and shallots; cook until just golden. Add sausage; sauté, breaking up with the back of a spoon, until cooked through and forms crumbly bits on the bottom of the pan. Add broth mixture and scrape bits off bottom of pan. Cook until heated through, thickened and reduced down a bit, about 10-12 minutes.
  2. While that is reducing, add pasta to large pot of boiling water; cook according to package directions until al dente. Add broccoli florets, in the last 3-4 minutes of cooking.  Drain together.
  3. Add pasta and broccoli to skillet or large pot; toss everything to combine. Season with black pepper and/or Mrs. Dash, and crushed red pepper. Sprinkle with cheese; toss to combine and serve!

You can increase the amount of veggies by sautéing mushrooms and zucchini with the sausage too. I also recommend serving it with a nice piece of crusty bread and a fruity balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Yum!


100_2660 Along with the pasta we tried a new Chardonnay that turned out to be great!  This is the perfect malolactic – type chard if you have never experienced it before.  I would highly recommend it.  It was so full and buttery, and yet still crisp and refreshing.  The sausage I used in 100_2662the pasta was slightly spicy, and this chard stood up to it well and enveloped the spice in its buttery goodness.  There were notes of melon and nectarine with a slight citrus-y brightness.  It was pretty reasonable too at $12, you should try it!

100_2661 After dinner, we cuddled up (well, my guy fell asleep!) and watched Twilight.

I’m still trying to find the time to get through the book portion!

This weekend I am planning on making a batch of granola bars (I tried them with 2 egg whites and less oil and they turned out good!) and Oatmeal Triangles with a new product from TJ’s to last for the week, along with a little bit of prepping of recipes to come . . . I see a twist on lasagna maybe?  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


How do you find time to make your meals?  Do you prep before hand or put it all together the same day?  Or rely on other quick methods?

February 18, 2009

how could I forget!

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Comfort foods,Dinner — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 3:58 am

I forgot to mention the greatest thing about the marinara and pasta chicken-stew-ck-1662823-lrecipe is . . . . lots of leftovers!  Not only does it taste even better the next day, it saves on time and money.

One of my favorite ways to use the marinara sauce in another recipe is Chicken, Pasta and Chickpea Stew adapted from CookingLight.  It tastes like it simmered for hours when you use the crock-pot marinara from my last post.

Chicken, Pasta and Chickpea Stew

(adapted from CookingLight)


6 servings (serving size: about 1 1/2 cups soup and 1 tablespoon cheese)


  • Cooking spray
  • 1  cup  thinly sliced celery
  • 3/4  cup  small diced carrot
  • 1/2  cup  chopped onion
  • 2  garlic cloves, minced
  • 4  cups  fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth
  • 3  cups  crock-pot marinara (from the previous post)
  • 1  cup canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained
  • 3/4  cup  uncooked small pasta (I used mini farfalle)
  • 1/2  teaspoon  freshly ground black pepper
  • 8  ounces  skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (I used 1/4 lb extra lean ground beef this time and it was plenty!)
  • 6  tablespoons shaved fresh Parmesan cheese


Heat a Dutch oven over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add celery, carrot, and onion to pan; cook 12 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add broth and next 4 ingredients (through pepper); bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 12 minutes or until pasta is tender. Add chicken to pan; cook 3 minutes or until chicken is done. Sprinkle with cheese if desired and serve with an ooey gooey grilled cheese sandwich for dipping!

Nutritional Information

Calories: 237 (27% from fat)
Fat: 7.1g (sat 2g,mono 3.2g,poly 1.5g)
Protein: 15.5g
Carbohydrate: 28.1g
Fiber: 5.8g
Cholesterol: 29mg
Iron: 2.5mg
Sodium: 724mg
Calcium: 138mg

And if you can imagine it, with the leftover pureed beets from the beet cakes I made ruby red oatmeal!  I’ve never tried this before, but it actually wasn’t too bad!


For two people:

  • 1 3/4 cups non-fat milk
  • tons of cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice (I like it warm and spicy)
  • 2 tbsp raisins
  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 1/3-1/2 cup pureed beets (washed and peeled)
  • 1 tbsp of dark honey
  • 1 banana (1/2 mashed in and 1/2 sliced on top)
  • 1 pear to chop on top
  • 2 tbsp toasty walnuts
  • scoop of TJ’s toasty peanut butter and more cinnamon for sprinkling

I start with the milk, spices, raisins and beets and warm them to a small boil, then add the oats, 1/2 mashed banana and honey; stir to combine.  Keep stirring and let it thicken to desired consistency (I like it thicker than most).  And then top with your favorites!  Yum and look at that ruby red color!

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done with an ingredient or a recipe? Did it turn out really well or absolutely terrible?

February 17, 2009

many shades of red

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 5:12 am

100_2341This Valentine’s Day, we didn’t go all out, but decided that making a nice dinner together would be just the thing.  Baked pasta is one of our favorites, so we made some fresh pasta, with homemade marinara and sautéed veggies.  We paired this with a J. Lohr Cab, which is definitely a wine you can’t go wrong with, especially at about $10/bottle.  It has a little bit of fruit with a nice richness that cabs bring, but not too punchy.  I would say it’s a beginner’s cabernet sauvignon.

100_2330There is just something about fresh pasta that makes it so much better than dried.  This is especially true for the long varieties like fettuccine, tagliatelle, etc. It’s very tender and spongy, and of course very fresh!  It’s not that hard either, check out this post for pictures of the well-method.

For the pasta:

  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (you could experiment with a little whole wheat too)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1-2 tbs olive oil
  • You could also add frozen spinach (squeezed very dry), beets or spices to make colored or flavored pasta!

100_2328 You mix it all together on the counter top using the well-method and kneed it until smooth.  It is important to let it rest for 30 minutes and then you can shape into anything you like.  We used our mixer attachment for fettuccine this time around.  Or you can simply use a knife to cut them.

For the sauce, we decided we would try to simmer it in the crock-pot all day, since we wouldn’t have too much time once we got home.  It turned out great, and tasted rich with deep tomato flavor.

100_2327For the marinara sauce:

  • 2 cans TJ’s whole tomatoes with basil
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste (about 1/2 small can)
  • 1 jar roasted red bell peppers
  • 1/2 cup sweet balsamic vinegar
  • All your favorite Italian spices.  I used about 2 tbsp italian seasoning (I didn’t have any herbes de provence), 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp of salt, pepper, an all-purpose seasoning like mrs. dash, 1 tbsp sugar.  It’s best to taste after it has been simmering for awhile and adjust to your liking.  I just dump them in there and don’t have measurements.

Cook everything in the crock-pot on low all day (about 8 hours) and once you get home, continue to cook but with the lid slightly off to help it reduce some more.  And voila!  How easy is that?!

Then, I sautéed some zucchini and chicken sausage in a pan, put it on top of the pasta with a bit of mozzarella and parmesan and broiled until bubbly and golden.  I call this love in a bowl!


100_2339For dessert, I made beet cakes from Tyler Florence (more red!)  They actually turned out pretty good and were not too sweet.  Instead of oil and butter, this recipe uses applesauce and low-fat buttermilk.

100_2335They were very moist, almost like Yorkshire pudding  (I could have probably cooked them 45 min), and especially good paired with a little frozen yogurt!  Look at them beets.  When I was younger and ate beets for the first time, my mom had never told me that beets do something to your . . . you know . . . so the next day I ran to my mom because I thought I was dying!  And then she told me, “it’s the beets, silly.”


I have these little flower baking pans, and here is a picture of my favorite . . . sunflowers!


All in all, it was a very nice, simple Valentine’s Day!  Do you have any romantic Valentine’s Day stories?

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