Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

January 12, 2010

learning to un-plan

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner,Favorites — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 5:03 pm

IMG_3986 Last night was a wonderful example of good things that can happen when I don’t plan all the time!  Chris invited his dad and step mom over for dinner last night.  We were going to try to make some seared tuna that his step mom had given to us, but it wasn’t even close to being defrosted since we took it out of the freezer too late.  Ok, move to plan B. . .

I made some lemony tofu pesto pasta the night before on Friday thinking I was going to take it over to a friend’s house for a little pot luck.  Chris ended up getting home pretty late from a meeting, and their house was all the way across town, so I decided to skip it to be able to wake for the gym the next morning (I hadn’t made it to the gym all week so I was getting a little antsy and felt the need).

So . . . I thought I’ll just heat up that pesto pasta and pair it with some balsamic marinated chicken for tonight!  ‘That will work, but I don’t really have any other stuff, what if they won’t like it that much?  It has tomatoes in it and Chris’ dad hates tomatoes.’ Then Chris invited two other friends to come over last minute.  ‘Wait!  I haven’t planned for this, I need to have things all situated, more appetizers, need to clean, do wash, aaaaahhh!’ This was my inner self talking and feeling a bit out of the comfort zone lol  But I humbly agreed and hoped we would have enough food and the day old pasta would be ‘good’ enough for my guests.  I want them to really enjoy my food and come back!

Turns out the dinner party went pretty darn well!  I mean the pasta wasn’t perfect, got a little cold and was slightly not as bright green as the day before, but it tasted pretty darn good.  That’s all that mostly matters, right?  Chris BBQ’d the chicken and it was a little chewy, but it was still pretty tasty.  I had other munchies like cheese and crackers, along with pretzels and nuts, but I think people secretly wanted to have a little more food.  I should have made something like a salad, but we ended up making smores and having some vanilla ice cream with a drizzling of cabernet (you have to try this!), so that worked out.  Who doesn’t like a little dessert?  Sorry no picture 🙁

We ended up going through 4 bottles of wine!!  And everything’s better with a little wine, right?  lol  We also played a fun game of Cranium into the night.  I love this game, but I am terrible at it lol

Overall success!  Should I have worried so much about not having everything perfectly mapped out?  No, it’s really not that big of a deal, but you know that is something that I’m working on and when something like this happens on a whim it moves me forward in the right direction 🙂  It’s weird because sometimes I will just do things spontaneously that I normally wouldn’t and it’s really cool, but other times I think about it too much and that’s when I get into a funk.  I say just go for it, whatever it may be!

Home Goods is the best for fun, cheap serving bowls and all kinds of other stuff for the home . . .


So here is the recipe for lemony tofu pesto pasta.  It’s a great dish for at least 6 people as a side.  And hey, it’s even not bad the next day!  It won’t be as bright green, but it’s pretty darn tasty in my opinion 🙂


This time around, in addition to the version above . . .

  • I used two lemons because the ones I had were pretty small
  • added 1/2 an avocado to the sauce to make it extra luscious.
  • cubed some fontina cheese to add in at the end to get slightly melt-y
  • instead of home made linguini, I used boxed farfalle pasta, and you can use any kind you like really
  • I had about 1/2 cup of pesto leftover to use in other things like sandwiches, yum!


For the chicken I used a really simple, but flavorful balsamic marinade that gets really sweet and slightly tangy.  In a bag, along with about 1.25 pounds of chicken breasts, you add:

  • balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper and that’s it!
  • You can also reserve the marinade, reduce it down slowly and baste the chicken with it and serve it on the side as a drizzle sauce.

So I say let’s not plan for once, just go out there and do anything spontaneous!  Who’s with me?

What have you done today that was spontaneous and fun?

January 11, 2010

going crazy with CSS

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner,Favorites,Fitness/Health — Tags: , , , , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:35 am

Whew!  I’ve been trying to work on designing the new template for many hours today and I think my head is about ready to explode!!!  I first got a theme template from a site called VivaThemes and I was not impressed at all.  I liked the overall look of the theme, but I also spent many hours to find it was not user-friendly, customizable and the customer service was terrible.  Even worse I couldn’t get a refund, which is a load of crap.  I would not recommend, but I won’t rant on about that . . .

I did find a new theme that is much more user friendly and I’ve been spending more time trying to figure it out.  While I will have to eventually code certain things, it just seems better so I guess it’s worth it.  ugh!!! (more…)

January 9, 2010

it’s already Friday?

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Comfort foods,Dinner,Favorites — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 12:11 am

Usually the weeks just draaaaag for me, but for some reason this one flew by!  Maybe because it was the first week back?  Who knows, but that’s alright with me.

Oh boy I am sore from kick-my-butt box on Wednesday!  Every little back muscle along my rib cage is sore and of course my bum and abs.  I couldn’t manage to make it to 6am spin this morning, but that’s okay because I want to be ready for our Great Harvest Red Rock bike ride on Saturday!  I’m looking forward to riding the Red Rock loop for the first time.  It’s about 41 miles and Great Harvest is providing breakfast for us before the ride, yay!

Yesterday morning I put all the prepped ingredients in the crock-potfor a stew to be ready for us when we got home.  I’m in love with this new crock-pot and it’s so much bigger than my old one!  I would highly recommend this one because it has several different cooking settings and a probe insert. (more…)

January 7, 2010

it’s crack-a-lackin’ time

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 6:59 am

I couldn’t resist titling this post with the ingenious phrase from Nicole, referring to ‘better get crack-a-lackin’ as in getting my butt back in the gym!  Hip Hop was a blast last night!!!  I absolutely love this class, but it takes me about 40 minutes each way to get there, and with the chaos of finals, projects, work and the holidays, I haven’t been able to attend in what has seemed like an eternity.  It felt great to be back and it was a super HOT routine!  I love dance because I can just let it all out.  In general I’ve always had a shy personality, but not when performing on stage!  I sure miss that sometimes.  I didn’t get home until 10pm, but I figure I better get in as much as I can before the semester starts up again Monday . . . eek!

I had another great workout tonight from my favorite kick box instructor.  I like to think of her as my workout Nazi.  She is pretty hard core, yelling at you like a crazy person to work harder.  I think I secretly like it 😀  I swear every pore on my body was sweating and I loved it!  I haven’t been to that class in awhile too with the holidays and busy times, so it was nice to get a good booty kickin’.

Maybe there is something to taking a week break off from everything?  I feel nice and renewed, a bit out of shape (oh yes), but nothing I can’t get back in due time.  And another great thing (more…)

January 6, 2010

a stuffy start to the week

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 2:15 am

Ever since we got back home my sinuses have been in some kind of a funk and yesterday they decided to wreak havoc on me something fierce.  I didn’t know if I had contracted something from all the hacking people on the plane ride home, or if I seemed to have formed some kind of allergy to coming back to daily grind, ha!  Either way, I was in a bit of a stuffy fog all day where everything was muffled and hazy.  By the afternoon a nice headache greeted me, and by the time I got home I was about ready to burst from the built up sinus pressure.

Dinner was tasty though.  We made falafel pitas the night before and had some leftovers . . . mmm  So far so good with the Eat In Month Challenge!

Usually for our weekly dinners I’ll plan for 3 larger meals and go grocery shopping the Friday before.  Then on the other days we have leftovers & adapt them to our liking.  It also makes it easy when you prep for the week in advance.

I think the hardest part of this challenge (more…)

January 4, 2010

looking ahead in 2010 + a challenge

Filed under: Blog,Fitness/Health,Holidays — Tags: — Kristen :) @ 1:17 am

We finally arrived back in Vegas yesterday after a long day of flying, and only 3 hours of sleep, but we made it!  I was terribly sad to leave my family & I had a mini meltdown the night before, hence the lack of sleep.  We had such a wonderful trip and I cherish every moment we had there 🙂

IMG_6964As soon as I got home I don’t know what it was but I immediately started cleaning out the fridge and organizing the pantry even before unpacking my suitcase.  Sometimes I’ll just go into crazy cleaning mode to take my mind off things.  It feels nice to have a clean fridge to start anew!  I also bought this handy dandy spice organizer that you hang over the door.  It helped to free up some space and works well.  We just have to be careful not to open the door too quickly or the spices go flyin’ 🙂

Chris and I weren’t able to exchange gifts before we left for our trip since his wasn’t ready for pick-up, so we were able to have a little more Christmas fun when we got back.  Chris got me a Nike + iPod sensor that you can put in your shoe and track all kinds of running stats!  It looks really cool!  I’m trying to keep on the path of running, although it’s been lagging this past month.  I’m just not sure if it’s compatible with the older iPhone 3G.  Anyone have one?  Can’t wait to try it out!


Chris got a new bike trainer!!  Even though it doesn’t get too cold here in Vegas, sometimes it does get pretty chilly and it’s hard to fit a workout in with working and going to school.  Plus, we can both use it *wink wink*  I think he liked it!

I just love getting and giving ‘active’ gifts!!!


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I also wanted to mention my 2010 goals, looking ahead . . . I believe it’s important to have aspirations and set goals for yourself.  It’s also important to make sure that these goals are reasonable, won’t compromise your well-being, and can be achieved.  Small steps is the best way, and even though all of mine may not get fully accomplished this coming year, it’s still important to have something to look forward to and strive for to be the best person you can be!

Well, here goes . . .

  • Train for a sprint tri . . . there are tri swim lessons at a local gym on Tues/Thurs at 5:30am.  Chris and I are going to go at least 2x per month starting out and see if we can afford more in the future.  I also need to peruse the triathlons coming up and sign up for one, but I’m hoping sometime in the spring.  I think this also means I have to get a bathing suit, yikes!
  • Budget . . . and stick with it!  I’m usually pretty good about keeping up with spending, but lately with the holiday spirit, that’s gone by the way side.  I need to make saving at least $200 every month a priority.  This is especially important since I want to reduce my work hours to have time for my thesis.  Speaking of which . . .
  • Make gains on my thesis . . . to move closer to an MS in exercise physiology!!  I just need to stick with it and hunker down to the finish.  I know I can do it.  Three. More. Semesters.
  • Gain more experience . . . in the sports nutrition field.  I feel I have the knowledge and the passion, but I need the confidence in my abilities to take it to the next level.  Experience will do this for me.
  • Devise an internship . . . for my independent study class working with athletes on campus or a local corporate wellness program to gain that experience.
  • Explore career options . . . to prepare myself once I have my degree to do something I truly enjoy every day.  While I can’t discuss it on the blog, I think you can catch my drift = /
  • Positive thoughts . . . I can’t let the stress of work, finding a career and school get in the way of enjoying life to the fullest and being with Chris fully and unconditionally.  Sometimes I can let my mind/anxiety get the best of me and I need to work on changing that.
  • Explore photography further . . . I am enjoying photography so much lately and find it fascinating, but there is so much more to learn and buy (big yikes!) I’d like to save up and invest in a tripod, lighting kit and a macro lens, as well as read up on it and see other photographer’s work to expand my knowledge.  I’d love to take a class, but I don’t think I will have enough time and budget for it right now.
  • Improve the blog . . . with a new, fresh look.  I know I’ve been talking about this forever and a day, but I’m still trying to figure it out on my own (and a little help from Chris).  I’m the biggest retard when it comes to that kind of stuff, but I have a template and am doing my best to find time to figure it out!
  • Culinary School . . . okay this is a bit of a stretch hehe  While I may not get to it this year, or even the next, it is still a dream that can become a reality in the future.
  • And of course I hope to dish up many more yummy recipes here at eatingRD!!  That’s the fun part!

Speaking of making some great recipes, I’ve taken on the Eat In Month Challenge hosted by Diana.  This is such a great idea!  Not only will this help in the budget department because we will be eating in for the entire month of January, it can also help the waistline from all that holiday indulgence 🙂

I have to admit we had to use our one cheat pass for the challenge on January 2nd since we were at the airport flying back home.  Technically we hadn’t joined yet, but still 🙂  After getting up at 3:30am to make a flight to Atlanta, Chris and I shared a nice scramble thingie at TGIFridays during our 3 hour layover.  I also had a NF eggnog latte mmm I think these are my favorite!!!  Although even the NF and no whip version yields a whopping 350 kcals, I drank about 300 and that was enough.  It was delicious!

When we got home and the fridge was cleaned out and bare thanks to my crazy cleaning, there weren’t too many options for dinner . . . we did have some eggs though!  Instead of going out to grab some food we made simple omelets with leftover turkey sausage from the freezer, cheese and a micro’ed sweet tater on the side.  That’ll work!

Join me as I take on the challenge with some awesome, home cooked goodness, or better yet join the band wagon and try it out for yourself!  You can even join for a few days or weeks if that works out better for you.

For the challenge I’m looking forward to using this new crock-pot that Chris’ parents got us.  It even has a probe for temperature monitoring!  Basset not included hehe


I also had a coupon at Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up this beauty.  It’s a mondo sized pan/deep skillet!  I’ve been eyeing this for awhile.  Can’t wait to use it too 🙂


I’m currently obsessed with this bread from TJ’s.  It’s a nice, tangy sourdough with a chewy crust and doughy center, perfect for a panini sammie lunch!



bouldercityrideI’m also happy to report I finally got a good bike ride in today with Chris!  yay!  It think it was about 25 miles or so?  It felt good to get back on the bike, but I could tell I need to get back in shape!  My lungs and legs weren’t really liking me.  While I didn’t get one heart pumping workout in on our entire trip, not even one, I think it was actually good for me.  It taught me a lot of things about myself actually.  It taught me to relax and take a moment to recognize and truly enjoy all the wonderful things and family around me.  It also taught me to signal in to my hunger and satiety cues, and I think I actually ate less and felt more satisfied.  Yes, I did indulge, but I didn’t go overboard and felt much better because of it.  Plus I think my body just need a good ol’ break!

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2010!!

What are you looking forward to most?

January 1, 2010

don’t want it to end

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner,Holidays — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 6:51 pm

HAPPY NEW YEAR! mmm breakfast was lovely . . . After stumbling from our slumber after a late night at 10:30am(!!) Chris made us all some omelets.  We still had some leftover spaghetti squash, roasted veggies and meatloaf from the other night, so he threw some of that in there along with some dried oregano which complements eggs very well.

It was a protein-packed breakfast, perfect after a late night and a few drinks 🙂  I also heard them talking on the Today Show this morning about having coconut water for hangovers . . . love that stuff!  I actually didn’t have any kind of headache this morning thanks to sleep and lots of water in between drinks 🙂


I’m loving that spaghetti squash and have been thinking of different ways to use it.  Here it’s pretty good in the omelet and on top as a garnish 🙂  Alongside I also had 1/2 a pear, 1/4 sliced naner, 1/2 a kiwi and a slice of whole wheat toast.




Now for a little recap of yesterday and New Year’s celebrations!  Did you have a nice New Year’s?  I can’t believe it’s already 2010, where did it go?  I’m hoping 2010 will be a year of new beginnings and aspirations, but that will have to be a different post 🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed my extra food postage lately because I certainly have!  It’s been so much fun and I really enjoy it.  I just wish I had this kind of time all the time.


New Year’s Eve morning breakfast included a bowl of TJ’s honey Greek yogurt mixed with pumpkin pie spice.  I topped the yogurt with a variety of cereals, 1/2 a pear, frozen blueberries, and about 2 tsp of TJ’s organic peanut butter.


After doing a little window shopping with my mom, we came home for a late lunch.  Utilizing the leftovers yet again (can you tell we always use leftovers in this household? lol) I made a meatloaf sammie with roasted veggies and spaghetti squash on the side.


I also decided to have a nice cup of Candy Cane Lane tea to warm up.  I couldn’t seem to get warm yesterday since it was rainy and chilly outside.  I really like this flavor!  It’s nice and minty and warmed me right up!


I also had a TJ’s peppermint Joe Joe cookie.  mmm these are awesome with little chunks of real candy cane in the middle.


They are a seasonal product, so get ‘em while they’re hot!


After getting ready for our night out, we headed to a local wine bar/lounge to celebrate the New Year Mardi Gras style.  We usually go to a friend’s annual party, but she decided not to have one this year 🙁  The Wine Loft just recently opened and we saw an ad that they were going to have a New Year’s party with live entertainment, so we decided to give it a shot!


It was gorgeous inside and I would enjoy coming here with friends for a relaxing glass of wine and small plate.  The menu looked really good.



It was a lot of fun!  Tickets included a glass of house cab, red beans and rice, muffaletta sandwiches, various munchies and a glass of champagne at midnight.


The Grand Cru cab that was included was actually pretty nice.  It was fruit forward and medium-bodied.  While lacking in fullness and finish, I still enjoyed it.  And it was only $6 a glass!

IMG_6884 IMG_6890

IMG_6898I munched on some veggies, about 5 cheese cubes and 5 or so crackers, all while chatting the night away.

I’m not a fan of green olives, and just picked them off the muffaletta.  It was yummy!  I didn’t have any red beans and rice since it was pretty spicy and kidney beans can sometimes be trouble for me lol  Throughout the night I had 2 glasses of the cab.  I made sure to have a glass of water during and after each glass of wine.  This makes such a difference in the morning 🙂


We also ordered and shared some baked brie en croute mmm gooey cheese is glorious!  I had a bit too much cheese!


Poor Chris wasn’t feeling too well, but he was a trooper and tried to have a good time with his water and sudafed.


With the countdown of the New Year, we toasted with some champagne and stayed around a little longer while the band played a few more songs.  I had about 2 sips of champagne (I’m not a fan of the dry stuff) and a brownie they provided for dessert.


I had such a wonderfully relaxing time here and I’m not looking forward to leaving early tomorrow morning 🙁  It went too darn fast!  I started thinking about it last night and I got all teary eyed.  Heck, I’m thinking about it again right now and getting teary eyed!  Being away from family is really really tough for me and I’m hoping the shock of getting back won’t be too overwhelming . . . next time we meet I’ll be back in Vegas and back to the grind . . . hope you all enjoyed your holidays!  I sure had a nice time and am so thankful for it all.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Wishing you all the best in 2010!

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