Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

August 27, 2009

it’s really over

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner,Favorites — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:08 am

IMG_4521My first realization to the end of summer was the giant chunk of change that was gone from my pocket with just a mere click of the mouse, and now with the first week of classes, along with work, I’ve come to the final realization that it is definitely over *sigh*  Even though it’s only midweek I feel my free time is going to be very tight this semester and the weekends are just going to fly by even worse than before.  I want to let you guys all know that I may be lacking in the blogging and commenting department, but I will try as much as I can.  I myself like to personally respond back to each commenter on their own blog because I really enjoy getting your comments and I like to see and respond to your blogs too 🙂

Thanks for all your comments I really appreciate them!  I’m going to try to get another ride in this weekend, but it will probably be with the slow riders, so I’ll have to some how get in contact with him again.  Whatever my thesis may be I think I’m going to ask these guys if they want to come in the ex phys lab.  I wonder if they’ve tried coconut water?  hmmm . . .

Happy Hump Day!  Even though it’s almost pretty well over.  I have to say that on Sunday and Monday I went to bed at 9 and wow, what a difference a few, well about 3 extra hours makes!  I wish I could go to bed at 9 every night!

For times sake, I will jump right in to one of my favorites. . .

IMG_4534Chris and I always usually make home-made pizza and calzones on a Friday because we can make the worst mess in the kitchen, have lots of red wine and just be happy that it’s the weekend 🙂  This time we made them Tuesday night.  Well, Chris made the dough and then we made the rest together that night.  Tuesday night was also Chris’ last day before he started his new job!!!!!!!!!  We are so excited and relieved that he got this one, it’s just going to be pretty tough juggling everything and dinner with both of us working full-time and doing grad school.  We’ll see how it goes!

image There is nothing like fresh, home-made dough!  It is just so yummy and pretty darn fun to make too.  I’ve made this ww dough recipe before and you can find it here, or you can just simply look at the pictures 🙂

Pizza stones give an awesome texture.  Oh my gosh the oven was so freakin’ hot and we were dying.  Chris also set off the fire alarm using the grill pan for stuffing ingredients, oops!  We had to bring down the box fan to get some air circulating since it was just as hot if not hotter outside.  I can’t wait till it cools down here!

Happy buns in the oven!


This one recipe makes a whole lotta dough (wish it was the green kind), so be prepared to make a lot for leftovers!


Ok, best pizza topping invention!!!!  Have you ever tried fresh figs on your pizza?  Sounds kinda weird, but it works so well.  I like to use a balsamic reduction as the ‘sauce’, top it with some spinach, fresh figs, crispy prosciutto and fontina cheese, yum!


IMG_4521 Another great pizza topping is grilled peaches, I love the combination of salty sweet things and these also pair well with the salty prosciutto.

I make thin crust pizzas most of the time, but every once in awhile I do like a Chicago deep dish from a place called BJ’s.  It’s to-die for!  And also their pizookies are a big weakness 🙂


Why not have a calzone or pizza making party for your next get-together?  I’ve done this a couple times with some friends and we’ve had an absolute blast (of course an addition of wine makes it fun too).  Just have all the ingredients and dough ready to go and get your guests working in the kitchen!  Nice!

What’s the worst mess you’ve made in the kitchen?

June 28, 2009

low lighting to set the mood

Filed under: Blog,Comfort foods,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 7:56 pm

IMG_3379The main reason I wanted to get a new and better camera was because my other one just really stunk when it came to low-light settings, and low-light settings are the story of my life!  Our little condo didn’t have good light at all, and our new house has ok lighting if you can take pictures during the day.  I usually have to take my pictures around dusk time, which has proven to be a frustrating challenge.  I need to experiment with lighting boxes in the future.

For dinner I decided on using up our never ending leftovers again and made calzones!  Home made dough is so easy and cheap!  I encourage anyone to give it a try.  All you need is a little time to let the dough rise.  Even if you don’t have a stand mixer you can use the best tool in the kitchen . . . your hands!  It may take a little elbow grease, but it is well worth it.

Whole Wheat Pizza & Calzone Dough

Yield:  Approximately 10 calzones or 5 medium pizzas

  • 1 packet instant yeast
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1.5 cups lukewarm water (about 110 degrees)
  • 3 cups AP flour
  • 1 cup whole-wheat flour
  • good sprinkling of garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp Italian seasonings
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

IMG_3304Dissolve the honey into the lukewarm water (make sure you get the water no hotter than about 115 degrees because this will kill the little yeasties).  Add the packet of yeast and stir gently.  Watch the bubbles begin!  This should take about 5 minutes.

While the yeast are getting happy, place the rest of the ingredients into a stand mixing bowl with a paddle attachment; mix.  Add the bubbly yeast to the flour mixture.  Mix with the paddle attachment IMG_3312 until everything is incorporated.  Switch to a dough hook attachment.  Mix for approximately 20 minutes on speed 2.  Watch the dough and make sure it forms a nice ball; add additional flour if needed.  I had to add about 1/4 cup, but it depends on your climate.

Once it’s done mixing, remove the dough hook and place a damp towel over the bowl.  Place in a warm, draft free place and let the dough rise for about 1 hour (you can also let the dough rise in the fridge overnight and take out about an hour before to let it warm up).  Punch dough down and let rise again for about 1/2 hour.  This step is optional, but gives a really tender dough.

Once you make the calzones, make sure to cut a few slits on top and spray lightly with olive oil (I use a misto).  I like to bake them at at least 450 degrees on a pizza stone because it gives an optimal texture.

I stuffed them with roasted veggies, chicken sausage, sun-dried tomatoes, part-skim ricotta, mozzarella, herbed brie and some fresh basil.  Oh my goodness, this dough is sooo good and tender.

Nothing like some candlelight to set the mood . . .

I’d say it’s not too bad for low lighting?  I had it in Tv mode with the iso at 1600 (let’s in a lot of light) and 1/5 shutter speed, which seemed to work well.  I’m still trying to master all these terms and settings.


A little marinara on the side for dipping . . .


We had TJ’s Petite Verdot along with it.  It was pretty good and only about 9 bucks which was an added plus.  It is very fruit forward, but does need to breathe a bit to open up.



As the candles continued to burn, the wax overflowed onto the table . . . whoops!  I just let it dry and harden and it came up pretty well later.  For dessert we had some strawberry-rhubarb pie we got at a neat little bakery called Layers, along with some frozen yogurt . . . yum!  I just love pie with something cold and melty.  It reminds me of Thanksgiving.


I am making granola and granola bars at the moment, and will post about them soon!  Yum!  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, of course it is flying by too fast.  I just want to cook, bake and blog all day 🙂


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