Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

December 11, 2009

a little info on coco water & a giveaway!!!

Filed under: Blog,Sports Nutrition — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 1:31 am

Remember how I was going to look at coconut water for my thesis a little while ago?  Well, I’m still not able to really do it for a thesis, but I still used it for my proposal paper and presentation for my Research Methods class!

I wanted to share with you some of my research findings, which are actually quite interesting. . . and there may or may not be some kind of giveaway included at the end 😉  I also wanted to thank Laural for sending me research that she found which was a huge help.

First a little history about coconut water . . .


Much of the research I did find on it included its use as a fluid replacement for patients with gastroenteritis and cholera, and has even been used as an intravenous solution for those third world countries with limited resources.

The picture on the left is an actual coconut hooked up to an IV drip!  This patient was doing pretty poorly and wasn’t able to tolerate many of his feedings and was becoming dangerously dehydrated.  Upon initiation of the coconut water for a short term IV solution, the patient started to turn around for the better.  This is amazing to me!

There are six stages of coconut development, with the youngest green stage being the one where the most fluid can be found (1/2 – 1L of fluid).  As the coconut ages and browns, the flesh becomes more prominent, and the free fluid decreases.  Coconut milk is the emulsion of the flesh and water from the latter stages of development.

Even the amount of electrolytes and flavor can change between stages of coconut development, and whether it is a coastline coconut or inland coconut can also slightly change its nutritional characteristics.  Coconut water is also fairly isotonic.

Compared to conventional electrolyte beverages, coconut water is slightly lower in calories, has less sodium, slightly less sugar, and considerably more potassium.  This brand also has a great source of Vitamin C.


Looking at the use of coconut water with athletes, the research was much more limited and hard to find.  I did find two studies that found some pretty good results.  Let me know if you would like references.

The first study by Saat, M et al. found a slightly less percent rehydration in the regular coconut water compared to a sports drink, but the difference wasn’t significant.  The study by Ismail, I et al. then found that sodium-enriched coconut water rehydrated just the same if not better as a sports drink.  Those subjects in the coconut water groups also experienced less GI distress (fullness, bloating, nausea, etc) and were able to finish their last bolus of fluid to meet their sweat rates.

I thought the finding of it causing less GI stress to be very interesting.  I myself have a hard time consuming fluids during high intensity activity sometimes, especially running or anything that jostles the stomach contents.

Up to 42% of endurance athletes have experienced some form of GI distress during or after an activity (van Niewenhoven et al, 2005)

Many athletes can fail to hydrate properly due to GI distress, which can greatly impact overall performance.  Coconut water could be a great option for those who have trouble consuming sufficient fluids during strenuous activity, especially if they have another event/training session that same day.  I think the coconut water companies should introduce an ‘endurance line’ featuring a higher sodium content to cater towards endurance athletes to really call their product a ‘sports drink’.

Even though regular coconut water is not as high in sodium as ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends for ‘sports drinks’ (110mg per 8oz), both studies concluded that coconut water can be used for whole body rehydration after exercise induced dehydration & even may cause less GI distress compared to sports drinks.

Well, there you have it in a nutshell! –er I mean coconut shell!  I myself enjoy the taste of coconut water because it is really refreshing and is easy on my tummy.  It isn’t really sweet either which I like.  Think of lactose, the slightly sweet milk sugar, but not as milky 🙂

If you ever wanted to know how to open a green coconut & have a handy dandy machete hanging around, click here.  This is just a funny video 🙂


I contacted the brand VitaCoco and they graciously offered to send me some of their coconut water to have my class sample for the presentation, and I had some leftover.  Some of them are the flavored kind (pomegranate, pineapple, passion fruit, peach/mango) and I believe I have some kind of sensitivity to citrus so I can’t really drink all of them.  So I thought, let’s do a GIVEAWAY!!!  Yay!


Let me know if you’ve ever tried coconut water and what you think of it.  I’ll pick two winners who will get 5 individual samples to try!  You can also tweet ‘I want to try some coconut water from EatingRD!’ and link back to this post for an extra entry.  I’ll randomly choose the winners on December 17th @ 9pm PT.

In other good news, I received my box of Glo Bars from SavvyEats!!  I was so excited and had to try the Present bar right away, which is the cranberry pumpkin spice flavor.  Yum!  They are well formed, not too sweet and gooey like most bars, and nice and airy in texture.  The taste is really nice too with a slightly warm bite from the cinnamon & a tart surprise from the dried cranberries.  Are you drooling yet?!  I’m looking forward to trying and reviewing the other flavors.  If you haven’t already, check them out here!


Hope you guys are having a great week so far!  I finished my finals today and can now finally get into the holiday spirit!!  Woo-hoo!  I feel a bit run down and icky at the moment and hope that I am not getting sick.  I need to get all our X-Mas cards written and sent out ASAP.  Chris and I also have holiday parties on Friday and Saturday night where I will try to employ my holiday intervention strategies again 🙂  Let’s see if I can do it!

Any fun weekend plans???

December 6, 2009

it’s the holiday season

Filed under: Blog,Holidays — Kristen :) @ 8:02 pm

IMG_5857 For the month of December I think I have 5 different parties to go to!  I love all the food, fun, and festivities, but it has got me thinking of a strategy to enjoy the holidays while still maintaining a sensible portion mindset and getting in that physical activity.  I’ve been lacking in that department lately with presentations and now finals coming up next week, but I hope to get back on the wagon and fit in some gym time asap.  Even a little bit of activity can make a big difference in the long run.

I like to get into the holiday spirit of giving like adopting a family and donating imperishable foods to a local food bank.  I’d like to make sure I do that this year too.  It means so much to those families in need.

IMG_5850For our first holiday party of the season, Chris and I went to an AITP Gala called ‘Technology for Tots’ on Friday night.  AITP stands for Association of Information Technology Professionals and Chris is on the board for the student chapter. There were also several other IT organizations there and it was a great event with over 300 people.  Everyone was asked to bring an unwrapped toy to donate, and there were quite a few I’d say!


The highlight of the event was the food!!  Oh wow, there were so many items to choose from and I wanted to take everything!

Holiday Intervention Strategy —–> Even though there may be a ton of goodies to choose from only take a few that you know you will really enjoy.  Fill half your plate with the veggies like salad greens and then go from there, especially if the plates are giant like the ones we had.  Another good tip:  have a filling snack like an apple beforehand so you’re not overly ravenous at the party 🙂

IMG_5846We got 2 free drink tickets and I had a glass and a half of chianti.  Couldn’t resist that one.

This butternut squash soup was wonderful and I stole a bite from Chris’ bowl.


Here is my plate, I had some salad greens, green beans, carrots, salmon, slice of turkey, pasta (only ate 1/2) and acorn squash.  It was all delish! Many of the veggies were swimming in a nice flavor enhancer called fat, but I tried my best to drip it off 🙂


Now here is where it gets tough . . . after dinner you feel comfortably full but not overly stuffed and then you see the dessert table over there in the corner calling your name . . .

Now how can you resist something that looks like this?  Someone tell me?!  lol


Holiday Intervention Strategy ——->  Because all the desserts are all so tempting, get a few and take a bite from each to add up to about one serving of a normal dessert.  Desserts are yummy and should be enjoyed!

Here is my plate of the ones I thought were worth it . . .  I managed a bite from each but the pumpkin pie kept calling my name so yes I finished that one!  I didn’t really like the carrot cake thing so that was easy to stop at 🙂


I just love added touches like this!!!


We even got dressed up!  It’s kind of fun doing things like this, although I had to fish a dress out from the back of the closet!


Do you have some holiday parties on the calendar?  How do you give back during the holiday season?

December 4, 2009

Fort Collins is awesome

Filed under: Blog,Holidays,Lighter Fare,My Travels — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 4:02 am

IMG_5722When I left you last we decided to make a drive into Fort Collins to walk around downtown and grab some dinner.  I am in love with this city!  It was just so neat and quaint, with tons of unique shops.  There were tons of bikes all over the city even in the winter!  How cool!

I had to get a picture of these bikes.  How does one ride this thing?!  Or even get on it?

When we first arrived we decided to stop at a cute little coffee shop.  I’m not a coffee drinker but I couldn’t resist!  I got a decaf fru fru drink and it was divine!  There was even a bookstore attached.

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Lots of vegan baked goods . . .



Ice Skating!!  The little kiddies had garbage cans to help them stay up, but I would have to have one too.  I’m terrible at skating 🙂


We grabbed dinner at a chicago pizza place.  It was yummy!  I had this slice and 1/2 of another.


After dinner we decided to grab some dessert at The Melting Pot.  I had never been there and it was quite a treat!  Boy, I’d like to have a wine cellar like that!

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We ordered the milk chocolate for 4 along with a dessert-type red wine that was a bit too sweet for me on its own but went really well with the chocolate.  It was heavenly!  I’d love to go back there for a special occasion.  It’s too bad they don’t have any in Vegas anymore 🙁  Chris and I shared this platter.


It was such a fun trip!  Then we had to head back to reality on Sunday morning. . .

Goodbye Colorado, I will miss you!!!


After all that good eating, here’s a quick pistachio recipe that’s a little lighter on the waistline . . .

Pistachio Couscous Patties

(Adapted from CookingLight)

Serves 6 (two patties)


  • 2 1/4 c chopped peeled tomato (used about 3-4 romas)
  • 3/4  cup  uncooked whole wheat couscous
  • 1/4  cup  chopped sweet onion
  • 1/4  cup  chopped green bell pepper
  • 1-2  tsp  canned tomato puree
  • 3/4  cup  shelled dry-roasted pistachios, finely ground
  • 1 tsp dried oregano, all-purpose seasoning, garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika, dash of cayenne
  • 3/4  tsp salt
  • Ziki Sauce for topping


Combine first 5 ingredients in a food processor and pulse till ground but not soupy; let stand 15 minutes. Add pistachios and next ingredients (through salt); mix well. Press bulgur mixture into a (1/4-cup) dry measuring cup; unmold onto a cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining bulgur mixture to form 12 patties total. Chill for 15 minutes and serve on a flatbread or pita and top with ziki sauce.  I also dusted them with a bit more ground pistachios.

They don’t ‘form’ like patties that well, but are still pretty yummy.  In two patties there’s 170 kcals and 6 grams of fiber 🙂


I put them in a flatbread, added some spinach and topped it with some ziki sauce.  It was light but very filling!


I also used them in a nice salad.


Even though I still like to enjoy all the delicious holiday treats, it’s important to balance those out with activity & healthier eats of course!

What are some holiday strategies that you use to stay on track?

—> Real Time Update —> well, my computer hard drive files were saved thanks to Chris!  I don’t know what I would do without him.  I have both my presentations done and done & need to start studying for finals next week.  Then I’ll really be done!  Woo-hoo!  Thanks for all your well wishes . . . motto of the week:  This too shall pass 🙂

December 2, 2009

vacation mode

Filed under: Blog,Fitness/Health,Holidays,My Travels — Kristen :) @ 6:42 am

Hello!!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend.  I can’t wait to get all caught up on all your blogs and festivities.  I just wanted to post a little recap of our trip . . . and maybe another pistachio recipe soon.  Are you getting tired of all these pistachios yet?  Well, I still have about 3 bags in the freezer and 2 in the fridge 🙂

IMG00017-20091126-0808Because we didn’t leave for our Thanksgiving celebration until Friday morning, Chris and I decided to participate in our first 5k Turkey Trot to help balance all the good eating soon to come.  If you haven’t been following too closely, I decided to start this thing called running about a couple weeks ago.  Even though I didn’t finish the Couch to 5k training program before then, I still figured I would take it easy and just have some fun.


At the start of the race, I felt really fast and fresh, but as it went on I slowed down and settled into a comfortable, yet challenging pace for me and my lungs.  Chris, who used to run cross country in HS, comfortably left me in the dust, even though he hasn’t done any running since then either!  I didn’t mind.  I wanted to challenge myself, but not kill myself.  The views were pretty spectacular too!


The only thing was after the race, my chest got really tight and I started sneezing like crazy!  We were running on packed dirt and it was kind of dusty, but I’ve never had problems with allergies before.  I do have a hard time with the cold air too, but it was really weird.  So for the next couple days I was all sneezy and watery eyed 🙁  Anyone heard of this happening?


000_0036I ended up finishing better than I had hoped for!  I had an average 9:12 min/mile and finished in 28:34, 6th out of the 15 in my age class.  Not too shabby?  I look forward to increasing my mileage in the future and making this Turkey Trot a yearly tradition 🙂

My favorite part of any race . . .

I munched on about 3 watermelon wedges, 1 orange quarter and a fig newton, along with a water bottle.  There were a ton of other things there, but I didn’t burn all that much to go all out 🙂


We left early Friday morning for Colorado and had a great Thanksgiving celebration with Chris’ family.  His dad and step mom recently retired and built a beautiful cabin.  I would love to have a cabin!!  Although shoveling snow and freezing winds aren’t my idea of retirement, they sure seemed happy and it was really beautiful up there.

This was the view from the back!



There was of course lots of munchin’ goin’ on . . .

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Here was my Thanksgiving plate.  Since we arrived late, we had leftovers, but it was still delicious.  I also had a glass of Ritual Pinot Noir that we brought in our suitcase.  I managed to only have one serving!


But really I was saving for dessert of course, my favorite part 🙂  I usually like to get a little taste of each, which included pumpkin, apple and pecan.


Some cute salt and pepper shakers and of course we had to have a fire.  Boy it was warm!  Can you see the hidden picture in the fire?

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mmm . . . these homemade cinnamon rolls were awesome!  I haven’t had those in a long time.


Getting back home from a Saturday outing we had a bit of a problem, oops!  But don’t worry we made it out!!  Oh the joys snow



The views were just spectacular everywhere!  We even saw a guy ice fishing.

I can’t wait to come back in the summer time, which is a short 3 months probably, but I bet it is even more gorgeous.

Man, I just can’t wait to retire to be honest!

After tromping around in the wilderness on Saturday, we decided to ride into Fort Collins to walk around town and have dinner, but I’ll save those pictures for the next post!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  I’m sure trying to keep myself from slipping into vacation mode this time of year.  It seems once Thanksgiving hits and I get a little taste of relaxation it’s so hard to get back into gear for the last home stretch.  I had my first presentation for sports nutrition yesterday and have one more to go this week before finals next week, and then I’ll be done!  (for this semester at least)  Oh and I can hardly wait for my week long winter break when I get to visit my mom.  I’m really looking forward to it and it’s keeping me going during crunch time.

What keeps you looking up in stressful times?


—-> Real Time Update —-> Speaking of stressful, my computer has been acting up lately again for the third time, so I’ve been using Chris’ older laptop.  A few days ago I noticed a slight clicking noise, and come to find out Chris says this is my hard drive about to take a dump, so we’ve been frantically saving files tonight!  Thank goodness all that I needed was recovered and I’m working from a different hard drive now until I can get the box to send my computer in.  So sorry for the lack of posting!  I’ve had the darndest time reinstalling everything and trying to remember passwords.  Darn computers!  Hate them, but can’t live without them. . .

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