Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

January 7, 2010

it’s crack-a-lackin’ time

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 6:59 am

I couldn’t resist titling this post with the ingenious phrase from Nicole, referring to ‘better get crack-a-lackin’ as in getting my butt back in the gym!  Hip Hop was a blast last night!!!  I absolutely love this class, but it takes me about 40 minutes each way to get there, and with the chaos of finals, projects, work and the holidays, I haven’t been able to attend in what has seemed like an eternity.  It felt great to be back and it was a super HOT routine!  I love dance because I can just let it all out.  In general I’ve always had a shy personality, but not when performing on stage!  I sure miss that sometimes.  I didn’t get home until 10pm, but I figure I better get in as much as I can before the semester starts up again Monday . . . eek!

I had another great workout tonight from my favorite kick box instructor.  I like to think of her as my workout Nazi.  She is pretty hard core, yelling at you like a crazy person to work harder.  I think I secretly like it 😀  I swear every pore on my body was sweating and I loved it!  I haven’t been to that class in awhile too with the holidays and busy times, so it was nice to get a good booty kickin’.

Maybe there is something to taking a week break off from everything?  I feel nice and renewed, a bit out of shape (oh yes), but nothing I can’t get back in due time.  And another great thing (more…)

December 28, 2009

west meets east

Filed under: Blog,Holidays — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 11:06 pm

Today was another great day, not having anything to do with work or school, and I think I may just as well go into shock when I have to go back : /

It started like most any other day, except I got to sleep in till 7:30am, I ate breakfast when their was actually glorious sunlight pouring through the windows, and I didn’t have to worry about going to work or school . . . so wait, I guess it wasn’t like most any other day! . . . another great thing about today was my first bloggie meet-up with Diana from The Chic Life! I was so excited and a bit nervous to meet with a fellow blogger, but I don’t consider her a stranger at all.  It’s like we were long lost friends catching up!  Reading all your different blogs, it feels like we are some how connected, and I feel so lucky to be apart of this blogging community where there are so many wonderful people.

I really enjoy reading her blog and her photography is stellar for someone who doesn’t think they know a lot about photography!  I’ve seen other meet-ups in the blogworld and I’ve been wanting to because it looks like such fun.  There aren’t too many bloggers in the Las Vegas area I don’t think, so it’s fun to meet new friends when you have the opportunity to over the holidays.

After much contemplation, because there are just so many choices out there, we decided to meet at a place called ‘Toast’.  It is absolutely adorable!!!  I go crazy over local places like this, so it was perfect.


Isn’t it cozy?


I already had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted to continue with breakfast or lunch.  I am so indecisive when it comes to menu items, especially when there are so many good ones to choose from!  I read many reviews praising them for their breakfast, so I decided I should try breakfast!


One of their specials was raspberry walnut pancakes, but I was also eyeing the cheese quiche.  I always like to order items that I would never really get anywhere else, and these two made it really hard to choose.  Diana helped with my decision and said to try the pancakes since they are quite unique, and I’m glad I did!  They were scrumptious.  Every bite had a tart/sweet zing from the raspberries and a nice toasty crunch from the walnuts.  I also drizzled some real maple syrup on the side and had one strip of crispy bacon.  Yum!  I could only finish half and took the rest to-go.



Diana went for the chicken gumbo and 1/2 turkey reuben.  She graciously offered me a sample of the sammie and it was sure tasty!

Photo shots courtesy of Diana 🙂



IMG_6339 Afterwards, we decided to hit up a nearby Starbucks to continue the conversation.  I think we chatted the whole 3 hours or so!  I was feeling like some hot tea since it was chilly outside and we both ordered some Zen, which is green tea with lemongrass and spearmint.  I would highly recommend this one and I think I may have to get a box for myself.


We also shared a cinnamon chip scone and of course this was awesome, flaky and butterlicious, laced with pockets of cinnamon streusel.

Oh boy I’m on a carbo overload!  Dinner will include something green 🙂



Thanks Diana for a great meet-up!  It was so nice getting to meet with someone who shares similar beliefs and passions and is such a nice person!  My heart is full and I’m so glad we were able to get together with the short time that I have here.  I still may try to meet up again for some zumba hopefully!


After picking my mom up from work, we didn’t have too much time before the b-ball game and just grabbed something quick for dinner.  I made a big salad with sweet tater casserole on the side.  It was actually good used like a dressing for the salad, and I scooped a little bit of the casserole with each bite 🙂


The Charlotte Bobcats basketball game was a lot of fun!  Chris, being the big sports fan that he is, was really looking forward to it 🙂  GO BOBCATS!



They had a pretty big victory and afterwards we decided to check out the EpiCentre downtown.


It has shops, restaurants and also a movie theater.  We wanted to see if there were any places open for some dessert, but everything was closing!  I guess we weren’t in Vegas anymore 🙂 The movie theater is neat because it has a restaurant attached and you can eat and drink in the theaters!  Diana said they have nice plushy chairs too.  Very posh and chic inside. . .


Oh man, I’m pooped!  Maybe I’ve finally adjusted to east coast time.  Tomorrow will be filled with chasing around my little cousin who is visiting!

Hope you all had a nice Monday 🙂

December 4, 2009

Fort Collins is awesome

Filed under: Blog,Holidays,Lighter Fare,My Travels — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 4:02 am

IMG_5722When I left you last we decided to make a drive into Fort Collins to walk around downtown and grab some dinner.  I am in love with this city!  It was just so neat and quaint, with tons of unique shops.  There were tons of bikes all over the city even in the winter!  How cool!

I had to get a picture of these bikes.  How does one ride this thing?!  Or even get on it?

When we first arrived we decided to stop at a cute little coffee shop.  I’m not a coffee drinker but I couldn’t resist!  I got a decaf fru fru drink and it was divine!  There was even a bookstore attached.

IMG_5724 IMG_5726

Lots of vegan baked goods . . .



Ice Skating!!  The little kiddies had garbage cans to help them stay up, but I would have to have one too.  I’m terrible at skating 🙂


We grabbed dinner at a chicago pizza place.  It was yummy!  I had this slice and 1/2 of another.


After dinner we decided to grab some dessert at The Melting Pot.  I had never been there and it was quite a treat!  Boy, I’d like to have a wine cellar like that!

IMG_5755 IMG_5758

We ordered the milk chocolate for 4 along with a dessert-type red wine that was a bit too sweet for me on its own but went really well with the chocolate.  It was heavenly!  I’d love to go back there for a special occasion.  It’s too bad they don’t have any in Vegas anymore 🙁  Chris and I shared this platter.


It was such a fun trip!  Then we had to head back to reality on Sunday morning. . .

Goodbye Colorado, I will miss you!!!


After all that good eating, here’s a quick pistachio recipe that’s a little lighter on the waistline . . .

Pistachio Couscous Patties

(Adapted from CookingLight)

Serves 6 (two patties)


  • 2 1/4 c chopped peeled tomato (used about 3-4 romas)
  • 3/4  cup  uncooked whole wheat couscous
  • 1/4  cup  chopped sweet onion
  • 1/4  cup  chopped green bell pepper
  • 1-2  tsp  canned tomato puree
  • 3/4  cup  shelled dry-roasted pistachios, finely ground
  • 1 tsp dried oregano, all-purpose seasoning, garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika, dash of cayenne
  • 3/4  tsp salt
  • Ziki Sauce for topping


Combine first 5 ingredients in a food processor and pulse till ground but not soupy; let stand 15 minutes. Add pistachios and next ingredients (through salt); mix well. Press bulgur mixture into a (1/4-cup) dry measuring cup; unmold onto a cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining bulgur mixture to form 12 patties total. Chill for 15 minutes and serve on a flatbread or pita and top with ziki sauce.  I also dusted them with a bit more ground pistachios.

They don’t ‘form’ like patties that well, but are still pretty yummy.  In two patties there’s 170 kcals and 6 grams of fiber 🙂


I put them in a flatbread, added some spinach and topped it with some ziki sauce.  It was light but very filling!


I also used them in a nice salad.


Even though I still like to enjoy all the delicious holiday treats, it’s important to balance those out with activity & healthier eats of course!

What are some holiday strategies that you use to stay on track?

—> Real Time Update —> well, my computer hard drive files were saved thanks to Chris!  I don’t know what I would do without him.  I have both my presentations done and done & need to start studying for finals next week.  Then I’ll really be done!  Woo-hoo!  Thanks for all your well wishes . . . motto of the week:  This too shall pass 🙂

November 17, 2009

first time for . . . running?

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Fitness/Health — Tags: , , , , , — Kristen :) @ 3:48 am


I would consider myself a pretty active person.  On most weeks I get to the gym about 4 times and then try to fit in an outdoor weekend activity, which is usually cycling or more gym time.  Lately this exercise schedule has been thrown out the window with the end of the semester approaching fast.  Now I’m getting to the gym 2, maybe 3 times per week if I’m lucky?  Fitness is a huge part of my life and it just makes me feel better too, so I’ve been a bit blah not being able to get that time in.  Weekends have actually been my saving grace because I’m still able to fit in something, and this past weekend I tried my hand at running!

I know that I am an anomaly in the blog world since I don’t run, and so many of you are awesome runners!  I really have been wanting to try my hand at a sprint triathlon sometime in the future, so I figured I better start training now for next season’s races!  Honestly I can say that I’ve never just gone for a run for the fun of it.  I’ve had to run a bit for dance team in college and we had to run up and down the bleachers of the football stadium, but that’s about it.  I’ve never really liked running because it is very repetitive and gets old on a treadmill to me, but running outside is so much better!

On Sunday I met Kristen at 7am at a local running store and we went for a chilly 5 miles with a couple short walking breaks in between.  Honestly, aerobically I felt great, like I could keep going (we were taking it easy which was good).  My body didn’t feel too bad afterwards, and right when I got home I fueled with a nice smoothie and handful of pistachios.  As the day wore on though, my joints were not liking me at all.  Right below and to the outside of my knee was hurting like a mother and I could tell my IT band was not right.  I could barely make it up the stairs.  Darn it all, I just want to be a runner!  I can cycle 50 miles, dance for hours and jump around for kickbox, but running is just different.  I think it is the repetitive motions.  I took some Aleve, and finally tonight it’s starting to feel a bit better, but I’m hoping that with time and gradual training my body won’t hurt as much . . . right??? (reassurance please!)  I may have to have someone look at my form and see if it’s off.

I am sure wanting one of these right now to track my training and practically run and cycle for me! lol

The rest of the weekend was spent in the library and working on presentations, so I won’t go into detail.  I’m still working on my last proposal, and hope to start actually writing it tonight.  My goal is to have it all done before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holiday.

IMG_5449 I had a request from Amanda to recap the sweet tater lasagna I recently posted 🙂 This was a small version since I was using random leftovers, but you can always make more and have more layers!

  • 2-3 cups pasta sauce
  • 4 lasagna noodles, cooked
  • 2 cups ricotta with Italian seasoning, garlic powder & fresh basil
  • 2 small sweet potatoes (yams) sliced very thin
  • sautéed mushrooms, along with a roux added (1 cup NF milk and 1 tbsp flour) and a bit of pasta sauce
  • Any kind of cheese for topping:  mozzarella, parmesan, etc.

Layer everything in the pan, alternating, and cover it with foil so the sweet potatoes will cook.  Bake at 425 for about 25-30 minutes then un-cover, top with cheese and bake till golden.

I loved all your pistachio ideas and links, thank you!!!  With an overwhelming majority, most of you want some pistachio ice cream, and boy that doesn’t sound like a bad idea if I do say so myself 🙂  Plus I have a couple vanilla beans screaming to be used in ice cream!  Even though it’s getting pretty chilly outside, I always enjoy some of that.

Speaking of pistachios, here’s another quick and easy way to use them . . .

Coconut-Pistachio Crusted Chicken

(measurements are approximate)

  • cup pistachios
  • 1/2 cup shredded plain coconut
  • 1/3 cup parmesan
  • all-purpose seasoning (mrs. dash)
  • 1 pound chicken breasts
  • 1/3 cup egg white
  • 1 tbsp honey

Pre-heat oven to 425.  Pour the pistachios, coconut, parmesan and seasoning in a food processor and pulse until fine; place in a shallow dish.  Pour the egg and honey in another shallow dish.  Cut chicken lengthwise to make them thin, or you can pound it.  Dip chicken in egg white mixture, then coconut mixture and place on a wire rack in a sheet pan.  Drizzle chicken with a little olive oil.

Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.  So amazing!


They are also great chopped on top of a big salad!  I’ve been eating a quite a few pistachios lately.


Are you a runner?  How did you get started?  Any tips?  And if not a runner, how did you get started in your hobby of choice?

Hope your week got off to a good start 🙂

July 28, 2009

fun ride, great dinner

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Fitness/Health — Tags: , , , , — Kristen :) @ 2:05 am

As you know, last time I went on a group cycling ride with my mountain bike I about died and was far behind the group, so I’ve been searching and wanting to get road bike for awhile now.  Well, I got one this weekend!!  Just the baseline model, something to get me started (and I’ll be paying off forever!).  It’s crazy there are some bikes out there upwards of $8,000!!!


IMG_3911We decided to go on a ride on Sunday with the owner of JT’s bicycle shop, the place where I actually bought my bike from.  They have a great shop and are such nice people.  It was supposed to be a 20 mile ‘C’ ride, but there were only the 3 of us (Jim, chris and I), so we decided to go further on the River Mountain Trail towards Lake Mead.  It turned out to be 33 miles total!  For my first time on a road bike, it actually wasn’t too bad.  My legs and butt weren’t sore, but by the second hour my shoulders and neck were screaming!  I did have to buy a pair of cushy butt shorts for next time.  I think I just have to get used to being in that position for so long and have Chris give me a good back rub haha.  Road bikes are an entirely different animal!  It feels like you can actually get speed and going up hills isn’t a complete battle.  It was really amazing!  If you hate bike riding because it seems like you can’t go anywhere without killing yourself, really consider a road bike because it really makes a big difference in speed and efficiency.  Here’s me trying to be a serious rider . . . lol

no_power_linesNow speaking of speed, there were a few hills, well three actually, that they call the 3 sisters on the River Mountain Trail.  Whoa, I was freaking out!  I still have to get used to going so fast and turning fast because I get really scared I’m going to totally biff it.  One of the hills felt like a rollercoaster where you slowly reach the top and shoot down really fast, yikes!  I was riding my brakes down the whole way.  I’ll probably have to get my brakes serviced sooner than most because I’m a little brake happy at the moment haha!  But it was a lot of fun and I ate a lot too.  Here are my eats for the day . . .


  • piece of WW toast, two egg whites (in the micro)
  • 1/2 banana with peanut butter slather
  • 2 cups H20

During the Ride

  • 1 packet Luna Moons – blueberry flavor (I actually really liked these because liquid carbohydrate drinks usually upset my stomach)  I will be experimenting with others.
  • 1 liter of H20 + about 12 ounces of water mixed with this sample I got at the bike shop (I think I liked this too because I am a very salty sweater)

After the Ride (at a nearby coffee shop)

  • 1/2 liter water
  • 1/4 bagel with grape jam (shared with Chris who was ravenous so I could barely grab a bite!)

Rest of the Day

  • IMG_3904 Big smoothie with milk, frozen fruit, peanut butter, amazing grass (bought this myself), chocolate whey protein, chia seeds in a fun glass from Nawlins
  • about 3 oz of leftover roasted chicken, 1 rib, 1/2 corn muffin from Famous Dave’s
  • flatbread sammie with mozzarella and leftover roasted veggies, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, handful of pretzels
  • more water!


  • Cedar-planked maple salmon with cous cous, avocado and grilled veggies
  • glass of chardonnay (not the best to have with exercise)
  • bowl of cookies and cream yogurt blends I found at Walmart.  These are really yummy, creamy and 120 kcals per 1/2 cup serving; I had one cup. I want to try more flavors!  Do you ever go down the frozen dessert isle thinking you shouldn’t but just want to look, and you’re secretly hoping you’ll find something to try?  haha
  • more water!

Whew!  That was a lot.  I’m sure I forgot a few munchie stuff in there too haha  But, my HR monitor said I burned about 1,000 kcals.  I’m not sure how accurate this is since some of the time we were coasting, but my heart was sure racing from the adrenaline!

On to the the yummy dinner . . .

I’ve never tried using cedar planks on the grill, but oh man, it sure gave it a great smoky flavor!  Make sure you have a fire extinguisher and a spritzer bottle of water nearby just in case.  We had a few flare-ups, oops!

Cedar-Planked Maple Salmon

Yield: 4 for dinner

  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce (low sodium)
  • 1 tbsp hoisin sauce
  • juice from 1/2 an orange (you will need 2 oranges total)
  • splash of rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp each sesame oil and canola oil
  • 1 pound wild Alaskan salmon (if possible, I found this on sale otherwise it’s a bit too pricey for me)
  • 1 cedar plank soaked in H20 for at least 1 hour (I put it in a baking dish, covered with water and topped with another baking dish to weigh it down)

For the cous cous:

  • 1 cup whole wheat cous cous
  • 1 cup water with juice of other orange 1/2
  • 1 orange, zest and segments
  • various grilled veggies – bell peppers, green onions
  • handful of walnuts
  • splash of the maple sauce above
  • salt and pepper

Soak cedar plank for at least 1 hour in H20.  Prepare grill to about medium.  Combine the first 6 ingredients in a medium sauce pan.  Boil gently until reduced down and syrupy.  Reserve a little for the cous cous.  Once cedar plank gets slightly smoky on the grill, place salmon on plank.  Baste with maple mixture every 3 minutes for about 15-20 minutes until slightly pink in the center.


Boil water and juice for the cous cous, add cous cous, stir, turn off heat, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.  Place in a large bowl.  Add the rest of the ingredients to combine.

Plate and enjoy!  This is really really good!  Sorry for the terrible lighting.  It was getting late and that good sunlight was dwindling!


IMG_3936 I also grilled some bok choy and served it with 1/4 of an avocado.  Bok choy has a wonderful popcorn-like flavor when it’s grilled and green onions taste like sweet candy.  I can just eat them whole!

I paired it with this chardonnay that was recommended to me at Lee’s when I couldn’t find my favorite buttery chard from Ravenswood.  While this chardonnay wasn’t really that buttery at all, it was very bright with grapefruit and citrus flavors.  Honestly, it didn’t go to well with the buttery-ness of the salmon and avocado and kind of cut into the flavor characteristics of this dish for me.  Oh well, it was still pretty refreshing and mellowed out a little as it warmed up.  It’s still fun to try a new wine, but sometimes you just wish you could have got your tried and true favorite, no?


Tonight for dinner I made a salmon cous cous salad, just love leftovers!  And what’s a good salad without some dried fruit, crumbled goat cheese and a dollop of greek yogurt?!


Close-up!  Glorious salmon . . . I wish I could eat this every day.


Any new activities, products, recipes you’ve stumbled upon that turned out pretty darn good?

June 21, 2009

party time

Filed under: Blog,Desserts,Dinner,Party — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 4:56 pm

IMG_2989 I absolutely LOVE planning for events, especially events that involve food and friends!  I think I should be a caterer and go to culinary school (this is my dream someday).  While I don’t handle stress/anxiousness too well sometimes, I love the stress of the kitchen.  That rush you get when you prepare something that turns out so well you want to jump or giggle, or the sheer disappointment you feel after messing up a dish and the determination to tweak it and make it better the next time (or right at that moment!).  I love preparing great nibbles and seeing the joy on people’s faces when they are enjoying the company of great friends and food.

Even with lots of planning, things just don’t always go as planned haha, and this is where I get a bit discombobulated :/  This week was pretty uneventful, but I did get in a small fender bender on Wednesday that put a ‘dent’ in things so to speak.  I was okay thank goodness, but my poor car got about $2,000 worth of damages.  The guy in front of me with the truck didn’t even get a scratch, go figure!  This is my first accident, so I hope that my insurance won’t go through the roof.  While I did get a moving violation for following too close, I don’t even remember being that close.  All I remember is coming to a slow stop, starting to go again and before I knew it I was smooshed in the car in front of me.  I didn’t have enough time to react, and the guy in front of me also hit the guy in front of him.  Not a pleasant experience, but not too bad.  I was just bummed because my gym plans were shot!  Crazy I was thinking about that, but I’m definitely glad it wasn’t more serious.  After filing a claim with my insurance and blah, blah, blah, I’m waiting for the body shop to finish the work . . . (big sigh).  Have you ever gotten in a car accident?  They scare me so much, and when I first started driving I about went into a panic attack every time I got into the car, especially on the freeway.  I didn’t get my license until the middle of my junior year of HS!  Now I’m not that bad, but they still give me serious chills.

On to something more fun . . . . PARTY TIME!

Once all the planning, prepping, making and cleaning was all done, it was so nice to have a cocktail (or two!) and enjoy the good company of family, friends and yummy nibbles celebrating our first home.

Oh and I have to fess up that I got myself a new toy!  I didn’t really ‘need’ it, but really believe that it will be a great investment for the future of my blog, business and tasty travels.  Drum roll please . . . .  it’s the Canon Rebel XSi aahhh!  I’ve been dreaming about taking pictures like these for years.  Yea, I could have gotten a new road bike, a flat screen tv, a bedroom set, or fake grass in the backyard, but I decided to get an awesome camera.  What is wrong with my head?  I love learning about food styling, and while my pictures are not professional at all, I hope to start learning a lot more about photography, particularly with FOOD!  By the time I made my decision, (I swear I was contemplating all freaking day!) it was too late to get it here by the party date, so I decided to speed ship it for a little extra so I could have it for the pics.  Let’s see how I did for an amateur right out of the box . . . There is so much to learn with this thing!

And if you have ANY experience with food photography, lighting, etc, by all means please give me some ideas and feedback for what works best for you 🙂

Here’s the spread:

For munchies to start:

Assorted cheeses – Colby, fontina, sharp cheddar, aged gouda, honey and grapes


Brie, herbed brie, and aged parmesan


Bruschetta with fig compote, goat cheese and crispy prosciutto.  We also had caprese bites with balsamic reduction.


Panzanella Salad


Chocolate Fountain!  This was a hit, who doesn’t love dipping things into falling chocolate?!

IMG_2993 IMG_2995

Spinach artichoke dip with Hawaiian sweet bread, this is always a crowd pleaser.


Roasted Veggie Calzones with marinara dipping sauce (still have to work on the aperture and depth of focus)


And we got a new TV!!  I think I about died right then.  Buster likes watching TV haha



It was such a wonderful party, and while it took most of the week to prepare for it, it was so much fun.  I think we will have to have another party soon because we have a ton of liquor left!  I forgot to take pictures, but we opened up 3 bottles of wine, had that lemon champagne punch (It was so good!), and also made another cocktail, and some pyramid apricot ale beer.  We still have a giant thing of vodka, coconut rum, cranberry and pineapple juice left.  We’ll have to keep it for another time.  Now I have a ton of dishes in the kitchen and loads of wash I need to get cleaning (boo!) . . . and Happy Father’s Day!  Give those men in your lives a big hug!

What’s your most memorable party that you have hosted?

May 20, 2009

just about done . . . well almost . . . and giveaways!

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Projects — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 1:21 am

Well we moved in two weeks ago on Friday and it’s just starting to feel like a home!  This first time home ownership, do-it-yourself stuff is not for the faint of heart.  It’s a lot of work!  I truly admire those that do this kind of work for a living.  We’ve been busy and yet it still seems like there is so much more to do.  I am a list writer and I have lists and lists of things to buy, things to do, things to plan . . . Definitely won’t be bored anytime soon.

We haven’t made much more progress on the painting, but are having the professionals come back out this Saturday to finish our master bath, guest bath and powder room.  After that we just have the guest room, laundry room and molding to paint and touch-up.  We ended up having to buy a new 100_2852 fridge because the stink just wouldn’t come out of the other one, it was icky!  The new one is amazing; I’ve never had a fridge like this before.  A dining room table and a bedroom set for us is still on the list.  We are going to go look at a couple furniture outlets this weekend and I also saw a nice table at Big Lots that we really liked.  The budget is surely dwindling!

Warning:  Installing your own laminate “easy floating lock-in” floor is NOT easy, I repeat is NOT easy!  Making all the cuts was the hardest part.  The hammering in the boards wasn’t too bad, but my knees and joints didn’t like all the floor action.  Ouch!  I felt like an old lady afterwards even with knee pads.  But, it’s pretty much done, and after 500 sq ft. and 20 hours of hard work it looks really nice.  Woo-hoo, we did it!  We still have to put all the base boards back on and get all the thresholds to make the transitions from tile to laminate much smoother.  100_2865Sometimes I wish I could afford to be a not do-it-yourself-er!  But, Chris was on his high horse feeling like a manly man.  I just wanted to get it over with.  I may be smiling, but I’m really thinking . . this sucks!  What did I get myself into?  When is this going to be over?  Get me out of here!

Here are some pictures!

Where did all the carpet go?


There it is!  I see a couple loads to the dump in our future. 100_2858

Swimming pool floor . . . this is the moisture barrier. 100_2859 100_2864

Chris made all the cuts, and re-cuts . . . 100_2868

Lots and lots of measurements . . . carpenter squares are amazing and a must-have.100_2869

Lots of saw dust and dirt . . . 100_2875


Finished product so far . . .  Lots of decorating to do.  Gotta love the 19” TV that my friend let us borrow.  I have to wear my glasses to see it haha.  A new TV will be way down the road.


Why hasn’t the dining table and drapery fairy visited yet? 100_2879

Also need a couple large area rugs . . . those are so darn expensive! 100_2880

I have made it to the grocery store finally.  We’ve been eating out way too much.  There is also this self-serve frozen yogurt shop somewhat near our house where you can put on all your toppings and then they weigh it . . . this is sooo dangerous and sooo good!  I seriously have to hit myself to keep me from going there every day!  It’s that good.

I made a really easy pasta salad the other day, and it was just the thing in this heat and with working our butts off.

Here’s what in it . . . sorry no specific measurements.  These kind of things I just throw whatever sounds good, or whatever is in the fridge, into it and it’s different every time!


  • Orange and Lemon Juice + zest of both
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper and all-purpose seasoning like Mrs. Dash
  • Dijon mustard
  • rice wine vinegar (sweet tang)


  • 1/2 box favorite pasta shape
  • shredded chicken breast
  • bell pepper
  • cucumber
  • grapes
  • artichoke hearts
  • green onions
  • toasty walnuts
  • goat cheese (it gets melty from the pasta and makes a creamy sauce by itself!)

So refreshing!  I also like to put it atop a nice bed of romaine lettuce or spinach.


Here are the winning numbers randomly generated for the EatingRD survey giveaway (finally!) . . .

  • 13 – Sweta
  • 11 – skibum40
  • 10 – sorensenjamie
  • 12 – mdwyer1970
  • 6 – willsmj

Please e-mail me at and let me know your contact information and whether you would like a 1GB flash drive or 5 iTunes downloads.  Congrats!

I hope you all haven’t forgotten me and I really appreciate all your kind words and compliments with the house.  Hopefully I’ll be getting back to regularly scheduled blogging pretty soon.  I sure hope you are having a wonderful summer (if it’s summer where you’re at yet) and the sunshine is making you happy happy!

What’s your favorite part about summer?

April 27, 2009

a little bit of spice

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Projects — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 5:12 am

100_2737 We’ve made decisions on the paint colors finally, and our walls have little patches of color all over them from testing out the colors.  But our painting adventure is coming along pretty well.  I think we’re just exhausted from non-stop painting and lack of sleep!  It’s amazing how different colors look on a little swatch compared to when you get them on the wall.  We had a few ‘too bright’ surprises!

These next few weeks are going to be interesting, especially in the midst of painting, moving, finals and putting together a graduation/birthday party.  I am going to try to make the easiest things possible without resorting to the conveniences of eating out (well, as much as I can!).  That money can add up so quickly!  I have to say that I haven’t had much desire to cook (gasp!) with getting over being sick and all the craziness of this house thing.  It will be hard too when all the cooking utensils will be packed and we’ll be trying to get rid of all our food.  Bear with me!

Sometimes I wish I could afford to be a not-do-it-yourselfer.  We almost finished the downstairs and need to tackle a very high stair-case and most all of the upstairs.

Taping is more than 1/2 the battle and takes up most of the time, especially since I am so darn meticulous with having straight lines.  But, they turned out pretty darn good!


I’m not sure what these colors will look like on your computer, but . . . This color is called greenfield pumpkin and is like a dark brownish, slightly orange-ish color.  (gotta get a new chandelier)


Lots of cutting in and sore knees!  This color is called olivesheen, almost like a rich sage-y green.


This was interesting!  I still have to put the pumpkin in the alcove.


So far we have pretty much all the downstairs done (more than this photo), and need to start on the staircase and upstairs.  We also want to start the crown molding.


You all know my love for spices because they impart such wonderful flavor without having to add extra calories.  I decided to play on the flavors of chicken shawarma with a simple yogurt-marinated grilled chicken and quinoa pilaf.  Super easy + good eats = extra yum!

Yogurt-Marinated Chicken

with a Quinoa Pilaf

For the marinade:

  • 1 cup non-fat yogurt (I used greek)
  • 2 tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • juice from one lemon
  • standard package of chicken tenders (1.25lbs)

Mix everything together in a zippy bag along with the chicken and marinate on the counter for 25 minutes.  Cook chicken on grill pan for about 3 minutes per side until charred and slightly firm.

For the Quinoa:

  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 bell pepper and 2 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups water
  • garam masala, curry powder, garlic powder and cumin
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 3 tbsp pine nuts

Sauté the bell pepper and zucchini in the oil until browned.  Add the quinoa and spices and let them get toasty.  Add the water along with the raisins, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes.  Stir in the pine nuts.  Serve along side the chicken.  Yum!


Do you like to be a do-it-yourselfer, or do you prefer to have the professionals do it?

March 17, 2009

so good to be back!

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , , — Kristen :) @ 1:31 am

100_2470 I am so glad to finally have my computer back and running smoothly.  I’ve really missed the blog world!  The HP service was actually very timely and I got my laptop back within 4 days.  Wow!  Talk about quick customer service.  I also got a laptop surge protector for added protection.

While I don’t have a brand new website (still in the works!), I have much to make up for my absence and several yummy recipes to post ASAP!  Well, both of my midterms are finally over with and I’m glad to get started a new.  The first one for my adv exercise physiology class was quite the challenge, but the human physiology one was not as bad as I had anticipated.

Rotisserie chicken can be a great asset to quick and delicious meals because it’s always tender, juicy and already all cooked!  Sometimes it is even cheaper than the un-cooked bird.  While it’s not the leanest choice, it’s nice to mix up the white with the dark meat sometimes.  For this post, I feature rotisserie chicken in two really great recipes:  Chicken Enchiladas Verde and Chinese Chicken Salad.

Chicken Enchiladas Verde


  • 4 oz. low-fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup green salsa (I use Trader Joe’s brand)
  • 1 large can (28 oz) Green Enchilada Sauce (I like the Macayos brand)
  • 2 cups grated 2% Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese
  • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken
  • 1 cup canned no-salt/no-sugar corn kernels
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 scallions, thinly sliced
  • handful of cilantro chopped plus more for topping
  • 12 to 14 soft round 6 to 8-inch flour or corn tortillas


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

In a medium bowl cream together the cream cheese and the Greek yogurt. Stir in 1/2 cup of the salsa. Stir in 1 cup of the grated cheese. In a second bowl toss together the chicken, the corn, cumin, cayenne, salt, pepper, cilantro and 1/2 of the scallions. Add the chicken mixture to the cheese mixture and stir to combine.

In a large baking dish spread about a 1/2 cup of the enchilada sauce over the bottom. Place the rest of the enchilada sauce in another wide, flat bowl.  Dip a tortilla in the sauce to coat and shake off excess.  Place about a 1/3 cup of the filling on a tortilla, tuck the sides in, roll up and transfer to the baking dish with the seam side down. Repeat process for remaining tortillas. Pour remaining enchilada sauce over enchiladas, spreading to coat all of them. Sprinkle remaining grated cheese over the top.  Transfer to preheated oven and bake for about 30 minutes until hot and bubbly; increase oven to 400 for about 5-10 minutes until nice and golden.  Sprinkle with remaining cilantro and serve with Greek yogurt (I like to add lime zest/juice) and non-fat refried beans!



These are delicious for leftovers too!

Chinese Chicken Salad


(I don’t have exact measurements, because I just threw things in!)

  • 2 heads Napa Cabbage, finely sliced
  • bell pepper, diced – You could use all kinds of veggies
  • small can mandarin oranges
  • slivered almonds, toasted
  • corn (leftover from the enchiladas)
  • rotisserie chicken (leftover from the enchiladas – about 1 1/2-2 cups)

For the Dressing:

  • 1/2 cup Non-fat Greek yogurt
  • couple splashes rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • small handful chopped cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste

Simply mix everything together!  This is really refreshing, especially with the warm weather approaching.  Yea, for sunshine!  If it ends up being a little more ‘wet’ than you would like, it’s great as a topping for salad greens like romaine too.



Do you miss it when you can’t blog, or if you aren’t by a computer to peruse your favorite blogs?

March 3, 2009

Sometimes you feel like a nut & BPA-free bottle giveaway!

Filed under: Blog,Dinner — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 5:56 pm

100_2388 Walnuts that is!  I first found this recipe in FOOD magazine and it’s a great alternative to your traditional chicken fingers.  Plus you get a healthy dose of omega-3s.  The walnut coating really keeps the chicken moist and it has a wonderful roasty toasty flavor.

I also tried to brine the chicken breasts before coating them to increase their moisture and juiciness.  I wouldn’t brine them longer than 45 minutes to an hour or else they can get too salty and dry out.  Since my taste buds have grown accustomed to less salt, I can really notice salty flavors.  But, brining for about an hour made the chicken really moist and flavorful.

Here’s what I did for the brine:

  • 4 cups H20
  • 1/3 cup salt
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 smashed garlic cloves
  • pinch of black pepper and an all-purpose seasoning
  • 1-1.25 lbs chicken breasts cut lengthwise to make flatter

Place all ingredients into a zip-lock bag and mix well until dissolved.  Place prepped chicken breasts in bag and let marinate for 45 minutes to an hour.  Pat dry before coating.

Now for the lovely coating (these measurements are approximate depending on how much chicken I have):

  • 2 cups roasted walnut pieces
  • 1/4 loaf TJ’s garlic ciabatta bread pulsed into breadcrumbs in the   food processor (or about 1/2 cup of your favorite breadcrumbs)
  • 1/3 cup parmesan/romano cheese blend
  • garlic powder and all-purpose seasoning like Mrs. Dash
  • 1 egg or 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1-1.25 lbs brined chicken breasts

Place the walnuts, breadcrumbs, parmesan and seasonings in a food processor and pulse until a course crumb coating forms.  Place this mixture into a shallow wide dish.

Place beaten egg or egg whites in another shallow wide dish, and the flour in another shallow wide dish.

100_2380Let’s get coating!  Place brined chicken breasts on a plate lined with paper towels to pat dry.  For each breast coat in flour; shake off access.  Then coat in egg; shake of access.  And finally dredge in walnut coating.  Place chicken in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat with a little olive oil for about 5-7 minutes each side (depending on the thickness) until golden and slightly firm to the touch.  You may have to do several batches, wiping out the pan.  Let rest on paper towels to absorb excess oil and enjoy!


Enjoy with a nice side salad and roasted veggies.  These also make for great leftovers like baked chicken pasta parmesan.


The Health Nut is giving away BPA-free Nalgene bottles to a lucky winner and the contest ends soon, so get over there and make some comments!  I haven’t quite made the complete switch to BPA-free bottles, but I would like to just out of precaution with the studies out there and the possible dangers with BPA.  I love those bottles because they really keep me drinking enough while at work and on the go.

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