Food. Fitness. Nutrition. Life!

April 18, 2010

girls day out + flax-date waffles

Filed under: Dinner,Lunch,Restaurants — Tags: , , , , , , — Kristen :) @ 5:10 pm

It’s been such a lovely day today that I don’t want this weekend to end!!  Well, don’t I say that every weekend? 🙂  The weather is certainly warming up here in good ol’ Vegas and it’s actually quite HOT!  I hate to say it but we had to turn on the AC last night since it was 82F inside.  I can’t sleep unless it’s at least 79F, because I’m like a radiating furnace once I go to bed.

Last night I couldn’t really decide what to have for dinner because when I went grocery shopping for the week on Saturday, I somehow forgot about Saturday night!   (more…)

April 17, 2010

california pizza kitchen love

Filed under: Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 4:05 pm

Friday night after getting home from work, all I really wanted to do was go out to eat and relax!  It has just been one of those weeks if you know what I mean.  I had a few snacks because I was starving waiting for Chris to get home and I had even contemplated going out to eat by myself!  I’ve actually never gone to a sit-down restaurant alone before.  Yes, I’ve been to places like Pei Wei and Panera Bread, but just not full-service, isn’t that funny?  Have you?

Chris finally made it home and we headed out, indecisive as usual.  Most of the time we hop in the car and then try to make a last moment decision before turning off at the exit.  This time, we passed a few of the exits we were thinking of and finally made our way a little further to California Pizza Kitchen.  I’m so glad we went!  It was fun to walk around Town Square and the meal was really tasty and not too expensive for two.   (more…)

February 21, 2010

hills need work

Filed under: Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: — Kristen :) @ 8:00 pm

This weekend has flown by as usual!  Friday night I was too lazy and didn’t have on hand what I had planned to cook, so Chris and I decided to venture out to find a new restaurant.  We are both very indecisive and went back and forth from Italian, pizza, and Chinese, but finally decided to try a Chinese place called Ta Ta Chinese Bistro.   (more…)

February 15, 2010

simple, sweet and full of love

Filed under: Dinner,Party,Restaurants — Kristen :) @ 5:43 pm

I can hardly believe yet another long weekend is about to come to a close!  I always enjoy having an extra day 🙂  I hope you all had a nice weekend as well!  Our Valentine’s was simple, sweet and pretty low-key filled with a few parties, a nice bike ride and a new breakfast creation . . . (more…)

February 8, 2010

Sunday Funday

Filed under: Breakfast,Dinner,Party,Restaurants,Reviews — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 9:56 am

Boy, Sunday just flew by and was packed with a lot of food!!  Hope you had a nice Super Bowl and/or Sunday.  I wasn’t really rooting for anyone in particular and only watched maybe the last part of the game (the most thrilling part!), but it was kind of nice to see the underdog win.  Sorry Colts fans!

The day started out really nice with a casual and easy breakfast of (more…)

November 10, 2009

every once in awhile

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 3:00 am

You know how sometimes it’s just nice to have a little fun?  Let it all go and just sample a few 100 different types of wines?  Well, that’s what I did this past weekend and it was a lot of fun!  Every once in awhile that is . . .

Prior to the wine tasting event I made sure to get a good chunk of school work done and it served as a very good motivator.  There’s nothing like having good things to look forward to, whether it’s a wine tasting, seeing my family, or getting to go on a long bike ride, to make me get things done in order to fully enjoy the occasion.  I still have tons of school work to do mind you, but I still made progress at least!

Saturday afternoon we headed over to the Hilton and made it to the Lee’s Wine Experience around 5pm.  We also decided to get a room there so we wouldn’t have to worry about driving home.  There were about 1,000 wines for sampling!  They gave quite the pour just for a sampling too!  Of course we couldn’t make it to every table, or else risk alcohol poisoning, but we did make it to quite a few.  Here Chris was sampling the Hilltop J. Lohr Cab . . .



IMG_5346 We both were feeling it by about the third sample since we haven’t been drinking all too much lately with biking and its detriment to performance.  The only bad thing about a big tasting like that is it’s very hard to judge just how much you’ve had.  At each table I made sure to have a tiny sip and if I didn’t like it into the tub it went.  I feel bad wasting, but you can’t drink everything.  Guys were walking around with giant garbage cans full of wine that people had dumped after tasting.


There were so many people there and they didn’t have too many munchies to go around.  As the crackers and cheese were re-stocked, everyone swooped down like vultures and you had to elbow your way to get anything!  Well, it wasn’t that dramatic, but when you have a room full of people that have been drinking and need some carbohydrates, watch out!  🙂

IMG00036-20091107-1905 (2) It was a lot of fun and we found several wines that we really enjoyed, the best one being a Pinot Noir from Chile called Ritual.  Recently, I’ve lost my faith in Pinots because they all are just lacking and taste like dull, dead trees to me.  This one was perfectly balanced and interesting with subtle oak and bright berries.  We want to order some of this for Thanksgiving.  Another really interesting wine was Bodega Norton Reserve Malbec and I always love the Twomey Merlot.

Towards the end of the tasting you could tell everyone was a little less subdued, people were dancing, laughing and everyone wanted to talk up a storm!  It is so interesting to me how powerful alcohol is, myself included (that’s another post).

IMG_5372 After the tasting we went to dinner at a place called the Grand Lux Cafe It was really yummy, but I could barely eat even 1/2 of my dish.  Chris got the big burger since we only really get those every once in awhile.

I got the yellow tomato pasta pomodoro with chicken meatballs, it was delish.  I’m a big pasta lover as you know!


IMG_5367 We didn’t have dessert but grabbed some gelato while walking around.  It is fun to play tourist even though we live here!

I think I could count how many times I went to the strip as a kid on one hand.

And look they had kabocha on display!!!  I wanted to steal it and take it home to bake 🙂


I feel so old saying this but by 11 o’clock it was waaaay past our bed time and we were tuckered!  I can hardly stay up past 9pm anymore.  The next day I didn’t feel too bad, but definitely not chipper, but you know what, every once in awhile . . . it’s just fun 🙂

What’s something you like to do or indulge in every once in awhile?

October 28, 2009

family is always there – part I

Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Restaurants — Kristen :) @ 2:39 am

IMG_5178My mom flew back home this morning and I miss her terribly already!  I am such a momma’s girl and we try to call each other at least once a day.  I’ve never gone a week without calling my mom since college!  I just feel so at ease when she is around.  I honestly consider home wherever my family is.  There is just nothing like family, and yes we all have our weird and dysfunctional relatives, including myself, but no matter what family is always there good or bad.  No matter what we may go through with friends, significant others, coworkers, etc, I always feel safe to know that my family will be there.

It’s been really tough on me since my mom and step dad moved to NC almost 6 years ago.  Then, when I was still going to school at UNR in Reno, my grandparents also moved to NC in the same housing development as my mom.  Even though I was born and raised in Las Vegas, I don’t really consider it ‘home’ now.  Yes, I have Chris, but it’s not the entire package, just not quite complete.  Eventually I would like to live somewhere closer to my family wherever that may be.

Ok, enough of the blabbering and on to the recap of my mom’s visit!!  We didn’t really have anything planned, and I had to work and go to class, but it was just so nice to spend the time.  I didn’t work on anything school related either, so now I have to bite the bullet and try to make it to the end of the semester which is approaching too quickly I’m afraid.

IMG_5233She came into town on Tuesday, but we didn’t really get a full day together until Saturday.  During the week I made some quick meals that I knew she would like, one of them being the chicken sausage broccoli pasta that is always requested.  I also made pumpkin pancakes for dinner one night and of course we had that lovely fro yo a few times 🙂


Friday night we decided to take her out to that cute little pizza place called Settebello.  We are enjoying this place more and more.

IMG_5161I started out with a limoncello cocktail which was a lot bigger than last time (and a bit stronger uh em!) It didn’t go too well with the food, and I wished I would have had a glass of vino, but it was still good.


My mom got the chianti and we shared a nice salad along with their pizza special for the week called Pizza Rustica with various cheeses, roasted mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and basil.  Yum!


IMG_5173But I have to say my favorites of the meal were the desserts!!!

They had a special pumpkin gelato stuffed into an actual frozen pumpkin.  I thought this was such a cute idea and the flavor was perfect.  Most pumpkin dishes I get don’t have enough spice or pumpkin flavor, but this one was really good.  The tiramisu was also outstanding!


IMG_5214Next stop on our unconventional eating out extravaganza, was BJ’s.  I always enjoy eating here.  My mom and I started out with a taster of Pyramid Apricot Ale.  I don’t drink much beer, but when I do this is my go to brew.  I also love that you can order a 4-6 oz taster for only $1.75.  So you can try a bunch of different brews at a reasonable price, or just have a sensible portion like we did.  Portion control is key and alcohol always makes me want to eat more anyways.  I’m sure if I had a regular pint I would have had the whole thing, but just having it in a small, cute and tall glass was just perfect.

Avocado egg rolls are a great appetizer, just slightly spicy and filled with the luscious goodness of unsaturated fats!


I can never seem to order anything but the deep dish pizza when I’m there because it’s that good.  I could only finish 2 pieces because it’s so filling!


Plus I had to save room for this bad boy . . . the pizookie!!!  Oh yum yum!  There’s only one spoon there, but I assure you Chris and my mom helped too 🙂


I swear we didn’t eat the whole time, well, for the most part, ha!  We also got some good walks in, did some shopping, went to Red Rock Canyon and checked out the progress on the new Hoover Dam bridge.  This is what I do like about Vegas because there are great outdoor adventure opportunities not too far from the city.

I don’t want to drag on and bore you guys to death with a never ending post, so I’ll leave the active part of the visit for the next re-cap installment 🙂  Stay tuned . . .

Hope you are having a great week!  It has turned quite chilly here in the desert brrrrr . . . and I miss having my mom around

Are you really close to a certain person in your family?

October 6, 2009

lackadaisical weekend

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 2:45 am

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!  I just wanted to give a quick recap.  Overall my weekend was very unproductive, but there were some good eats!  This month I am working a little less hours, so I’m hoping my lackadaisical tendencies won’t be too detrimental.  I think this unfortunate lack of motivation always comes to me at the start of that certain time (wink, wink).  I don’t know what it is but I feel sooo tired, cranky and blah.  Needless to say, I was a bum.

Friday night we went to a high school dance show to see our friend’s daughter, and it brought back a lot of memories and made me want to dance again!!  Boy I miss it terribly sometimes.

Saturday morning I woke up pretty early and had a great urge to bake!  This was the extent of my motivation this weekend.  I saw Veggie Girl had made a banana butternut pecan bread recently and I thought that would be awesome because I had been craving quick breads, and had 3 large bananas getting browner and uglier by the minute on my counter.


Instead of butternut, I had a sugar pumpkin from the farmer’s market begging to be roasted up in the oven.  I also added about 1/3 cup chopped dates into the mix because I’ve been addicted to dates lately.  It turned out really good!  The only thing is I don’t think I baked it quite long enough at 55 minutes, and it probably needed a good 10 minutes longer.  I always seem to do this.  For some reason I get scared that I’m going to dry it out or something.  I would also reduce the nuts down to 1/2 cup, it was nutty!  It sure tasted yummy and Chris really enjoyed it.  I put 1/2 in the freezer, and the other 1/2, well, it’s already gone!  Chris REALLY liked it!


So then of course I had to break out my favorite quick bread topping, also known as heaven on earth . . . TJ’s Pumpkin Butter!


Just a little closer . . . ahhh yumminess


That was pretty much the extent of my Saturday during the day.  I did a little bit of wash and forgot about it in the washer, dorked around on the computer, and also tried very hard to concentrate on reading for school while doing this.  Not so good, but I was feeling blah.  Chris and I also did a few errands and ordered the thresholds to finally finish our floor, yay!

Saturday night we took Chris’ mom and step dad out for dinner at Maggiano’s since they are always so kind to take us out.  Have you ever been here?!  Oh my gosh the food is amazing, the portions are gigantic (good for leftovers), and the ambiance is nice too.  The service was a little slow, but I’ve always had pretty good service otherwise, plus they were busy!

IMG_4927 I didn’t want to drink too much, but Chris’ mom had ordered a glass of wine and I can’t really turn it down.  I just really enjoy a glass of wine with dinner.

Funny, I used to hate the stuff when I first tried it.  I had the Ruffino Chianti which is always a safe choice.

We sat by the window so it was pretty good lighting while it lasted.  Here is our view from the table . . .  Hello downtown Vegas!


We also decided to get the set dinner menu where you can choose 2 appetizers, 2 salads, 2 pastas, 2 entrees and 2 desserts!  Yikes, it was a lot of food.

We started out with the spinach salad, stuffed mushrooms and garlic bread.  Here is my plate . . .


Next came the pastas and entrees.  We got the beef braciole, which is one of my favorites there.  It is basically flank steak stuffed with veggies and meats and is very tender like meatloaf.  For pasta we ordered the spinach manicotti with red sauce instead of alfredo.  They ordered the roast chicken, along with fettuccine alfredo.  Their portions are just crazy.  Even the half portions are shareable.



Here is my plate . . . I ate 1/2 of everything, I was so full plus we still had dessert coming and


nothing would prepare me for this . . .



When the waiter came out he had mistakenly ordered the cheesecake instead of the chocolate cake, so he said he would go bring us the chocolate cake too!!!  Oh my gosh, no stop it already please!  I was in dessert heaven and yes I did eat too much.  I was uncomfortably full, but it was really good.  Eating out like that always quickly brings me back to eating better again.  I just can’t do that all the time.  This week I have vowed to lay off the desserts because I probably ate enough calories for 3 days, yikes!

The chocolate mousse cake was amazing and gigantic.  You should have seen the size of my eyeballs as he brought this to the table.  I could only muster 2 bites.


Needless to say we had tons of leftovers and the rest of the cake and cheesecake went straight into the freezer not to be touched for at least a couple weeks!


Sunday was yet another pretty unproductive day.  I did make it to the gym for jump rope and body pump, but I think I was still recovering from my food and wine coma and didn’t quite feel right.  Chris and I also went out to Art in the Park benefitting the Boulder City Hospital Foundation.  This is an annual festival where tons of artists come and set up tents over a huge park and sell their awesome work/crafts.  My mom and I used to always go every year.  It was super windy, so we just stayed for a few hours and just perused the tents.

From now on I’m going to be pretty busy because my mom is coming to town in 2 weeks!!!  I’m so happy, but our guest room still looks like a storage shed . . .eek!  We still have to paint, get a bed and a comforter, finish the thresholds, and spruce up the rest of the house.  Of course I want it to be perfect for when she comes, but I’m going to try not to stress myself too much.

Hope you all have a great week!

September 27, 2009

granola bars & a happy anniversary

Filed under: Blog,Breakfast,Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , , — Kristen :) @ 10:04 pm

IMG_4863 Thank you all so very much on your encouraging comments on my funk this past week. I think just being so tired with work and school really wiped me out, and I have to be more cognoscente of this happening. I can’t run myself ragged without sleep. I also have to make it a priority to get some kind of activity in because it always gets my energy levels up and makes me feel good. I was stuck in the cycle of tiredness, no activity and no sleep which fed the cycle of more tiredness. I always like to think that this too shall pass and I just have to pick myself up for the next week 🙂

Friday night wasn’t too exciting and we had good ol’ sloppy joe leftovers for dinner. I love how tomato-based dishes taste even better the next day. Boy, these were good! The cinnamon really added that extra sumthin’ sumthin’. The highlight of my night was IMG_4832 a new energy bar experiment! Getting in the kitchen always makes me feel better and I really wanted to try these when Emily had a guest post of Dan’s Pumpkin Spice Bars.

Oh my goodness, these are the BOMB! They are similar to Clif bars, but not as sweet with lots of spice, just the way I like them. The texture was superb, slightly cookie-like, but not as gooey and sticky as Clif bars.

IMG_4831 I had a few alterations: (FYI the Kashi Warm Cinnamon Cereal is out of this world, in a bar or not). I couldn’t find red flame raisins, so I just used regular ones. I used mixed nuts instead of walnuts. I only had peanut butter, not almond butter. Had canned sweet potato instead of pumpkin. I also whirled my dates & H20 in the food processor after whirling the cereal.


The bars turned out really wonderful and I put them in baggies for us to take on our rides and have during the week as a yummy snack. Look at those nutritionals . . .

imageThis bar has a great nutritional profile, thanks to the help of the kashi cereal and all the wholesome ingredients. I got 17 bars out of this batch, well not counting the little bit I scraped from the bowl (shhh!)

Other good stuff:

18% Vitamin E, 31% Vitamin B6, 30% folate, 24% Vitamin B12, 54% Manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium . . . awesome!

Also for the bar about 72% CHO, 23% fat, and 14% pro, nice balance for some good energy. Yes, 12% DV of CHO! I don’t know why I was thinking of the entire bar, not the %DV that is on the label, hello 🙂 (just having a retard moment)


Thanks Dan and Em for a great bar recipe! Chris told me that he really likes them and wants to eat them all! I will have to make a double batch next time. I’m just wondering when the next installment will be or if we can go into business together?! hehe


Speaking of rides . . . what a better way to banish the funk than going on a nice ride?! aahhh so invigorating, tiring and I loved it. We went on a club ride for about 36 miles and it was great to get back in some activity. I just really miss it when I can’t get it in. I also had a pumpkin spice bar on the ride 🙂 I love how it isn’t too sweet and sits well on my tummy.

That night we decided to have a nice little anniversary celebration at that pizza place we went to last weekend called Settebello. We signed up for their newsletter and they have special pizzas each week. This week was zucchini blossom pizza!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I really wanted to try this, especially since they specified it as a limited appearance!


IMG_4861We started out with a little appetizer called the misto. It had various Italian meats, olives (they weren’t too bitter like regular kalamatas), mushrooms, artichokes, and flatbread.

It was really good, Chris was ravenous from his 62 mile ride that day so he ate most of it. It’s nice to have the bottomless pit around to eat for you 🙂

But on the other hand, have you seen this study? It’s surprisingly true, darn you Chris! hehe


Along with the appetizer I had a small glass of the Danzante Pinot Grigio. This is my favorite type of white wine. Very fruity, dry, not too grassy and nicely balanced. I just wish their pour was a little bit taller 🙂


The pizza was really interesting and yummy! It was a white sauce pizza (I traditionally like the tomato-based sauces), with sweet corn, ricotta, mozzarella and topped with zucchini flowers and olive oil. It did need a little something extra so I put some black pepper and chili flakes on mine for just a little heat 🙂


Zucchini flowers are so neat and taste very delicate and sweet! They matched perfectly with the sweet corn.


Overall it was a great night. We were thinking of going to see The Informant after dinner, but poor Chris was so tired from his ride that we just rented a movie to take home in case we fell asleep. We try to watch movies, but usually both of us are so tired, we just fall asleep to them! We rented Yes Man, and it was actually pretty funny. I myself am a huge Jim Carrey fan, especially Dumb and Dumber!

Today I even got a jump rope and weights class in, yay! Now about that studying . . .

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

What’s your favorite granola/energy bar?

September 21, 2009


Filed under: Blog,Dinner,Restaurants — Tags: , — Kristen :) @ 10:48 pm

IMG_4798 It’s been a whirlwind of a weekend, but it was lots of fun and fairly productive.  Yes, I could have accomplished a lot more to be honest, but there were fun things going on that I couldn’t pass up!

Friday night was spent studying and trying to get something done without getting distracted by the fact that it was Friday night.  This usually signals my brain to think that it is the weekend (freedom!) and I have ample amounts of time (ha!)  funny funny.  This is not the case.

Saturday I also tried to get more studying accomplished, made a trip to the library and also met with my advisor to discuss my next steps in the thesis process.  He’s actually very approachable and believes that I should just go for it.  I’m getting caught up in small research methods that I’m not sure if I can do.  There is my planning oriented mind getting the best of me again!  He wants me to just come up with a simple outline of the study for now, even if I don’t know how to do something or what to measure, because this will be discussed during the pre-prospectus meeting.  He even told me not to spend too much time on it before the meeting because it will get hashed anyways.  I like things to be definite and known, so this is hard for me, but I actually left the meeting feeling very excited and empowered!  New Motto:  Just go for it!

IMG_4765 Saturday night we went to the Greek Food Festival!!!  We look forward to this every year and really enjoy the festivities and most importantly, the FOOD!  Oh how I love all Greek food!  My friend, Chris and I got there a little early to get a seat and munched on things through the evening.  It’s good to come with a couple people so you can get different foods to try without having to eat the entire thing by yourself.  I love sharing food 🙂

There was live entertainment too.


First we started with a greek salad.  It was really good and fresh, but a little heavy on the dressing.


IMG_4776 Next we decided on a gyro and greek fries with lemon and spices.  I think gyros are my favorite, well one of them anyway.  I love lamb and all the spices that they put in the slow-roasted goodness.

oooh!  and I can’t forget the tzatziki sauce.  This is my condiment of choice for pretty much anything.



Moving on I decided to get some Loukoumades to share.  It is pretty much fried dough, drizzled with honey and cinnamon.  Now who doesn’t like that?!  This isn’t something I really eat, but it is sure fun every once in awhile.  I had 2 of the chewy, doughy, heavenly goodness.  Don’t they look like they are glowing?


IMG_4783Another group of friends came to the table and they got a bottle of wine to share.  Yay, more sharing!!  This wine had some rich, deep back notes to it and a good finish.  I had a small glass and also a sip of this really good greek beer.  Not IMG_4784 too much of a beer fan when there is wine to be had, but it was good!

We sat and chatted for quite awhile.  Poor Chris, he was so tired from biking 65 miles earlier that he went home and slept (he didn’t share any food and ate a lot!).  I promised I would get him some baklava for later and came out with these beauties.  The honey cake was delicious.  Again, can’t be trusted in any fun food purchasing situation!


This festival was really fun and we all had a great time, I can’t wait for next year!!

I spent a good part of Sunday catching up on cleaning, wash and errands.  I also got a little studying done.  The highlight of my day was the Pink Martini Concert!!!!  Chris and I decided to go out to dinner beforehand since this is kind of our anniversary gift (can’t believe we’ll have been together 3 years on Saturday).  Boy was it a great night, although I wish it wasn’t on a Sunday.  I’m pretty tired today, but it was really worth it.  I haven’t been to many concerts in my life (maybe 2), but there’s just nothing like hearing a great group that you love right there in person.  What’s your favorite concert?

IMG_4805 We went to a restaurant nearby so that we could just walk to the concert in case we had some drinks.  It was a little place called Settebello, and I’m so glad we tried it out!  The food was right up my alley.  Mostly pizzas and antipasti, but very delicious and simple.  The food was actually quite reasonable, but we got a little crazy with the drinks.  That’s where they get cha!  Another great thing about this place?  . . . the lighting was PERFECT for pictures, yay!  Most restaurants are like a dark dungeon, so this was a nice and pleasant change.

We started with a salad of various greens and herbs, roasted mushrooms, pine nuts, tomatoes, artichokes, parmesan and a vinaigrette, along with a glass of Ruffino Chianti.  This is always a great pick on most restaurant menus and isn’t too expensive if you buy it at a store either.


IMG_4799 Dinner was the Pizza Lasagna with tomatoes, ricotta, cheese, sausage, roasted mushrooms.  We always order a side of basil because everything is better with basil 🙂  Their dough is really delicious and chewy, not too thin or crispy.  The menu claims they cook their pizzas traditionally, and they have a great pizza oven.  Boy I wish I could have one of these in my kitchen or backyard some day.  That would be awesome!


Instead of ordering dessert (they had some yummy looking gelato), IMG_4801we had some time to kill so we decided to go hang out at the bar.  I ordered a lemon drop with grappa, limoncello, lemon juice and basil, and Chris ordered this drink with tuaca, amaretto and frangelico.

These were so good!  I would go back just for the drinks, even though they are pricey.  It was kind of fun just to hang out at the bar after dinner because we don’t usually do this 🙂



Chris and I really enjoyed the concert.  We were in row B, so we IMG_4809were right there!  It brought us back to Portland when we saw them the first time.  After the show they signed our t-shirts and a CD and also took a few pictures.  How cool!  This is a great group if you like instrumental music, yet it’s a little different (she also sings in different languages like Spanish, Italian and Turkish) and fun to listen and relax to.  I really want to wear my shirt, but they all signed it so now I can’t wash it!

IMG_4811 IMG_4813

IMG_4814Whew, I was so pooped when we finally got home.  I didn’t get to bed till after midnight and then had to get up early today for work and had an exam today . .  eek!  I think I did pretty well on the exam.  Most of the stuff I had learned before, so I hope I didn’t make some stupid mistakes.  I hate when that happens.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!

I am catching up on all your blogs, slowly but surely, thanks for reading!  I really appreciate all your encouraging comments on my thesis topic 🙂

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